AJP Fizika E
Institute of Physics
Ministry of Science and Education
Republic of Azerbaijan
ISSN 1028-8546
Azerbaijan Journal of Physics
Published from 1995. Registration number: 514, 20 02 1995
Ministry of Press and Information of Azerbaijan Republic
Fizuli Mamedov | |||
ABSTRACT The structural complexity aspect of the materials reveals itself in the superconductivity of the metals. A complex, multisided behavior of the superconducting materials is analyzed in this work. It is shown that there is a subtle balance between superconductivity property of materials and their latent heat of fusion. This feature of superconducting materials manifests itself sharply especially in the case of the so called conventional superconductors, for the indium, lead, tin and mercury. The Cooper pairs analogue formation possibility of the atomic nuclei of the superconducting metals is also considered This analysis strongly supports the idea that electroweak gauge boson masses are manifestation of the fundamental level structural complexity inherent to our universe. Keywords: dependence of the structural complexity on the energy, the connection between the charges and masses of the elementary particles, structural complexity - latent heat of fusion connection of the substances, the latent heat of fusion and critical temperature dependence for the metals. DOI:10.70784/azip.1.2025106 Received: 28.12.2024 Internet publishing: 30.01.2025 AJP Fizika E 2025 en p.06-08 AUTHORS & AFFILIATIONS Institute for Physical Problems, Baku State University, Azerbaijan E-mail: mail.quanta02@gmail.com |
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