2020   01   az   p.07-10 E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva*,
Problems of silicon nanoelectronics and ways of their solution


There are many problems with size reduction of silicon field MDS transistors, especially in the case of minimum dimension of channel length from 45 nm. The quantum-mechanical tunnel current is observed through thin layer of silicon dioxide under gate. We need to carry out the detail control of quantity and distribution of impurity atoms in channel region and also in source and sink regions in order to achieve the necessary high values of current relation of switched on and switched off transistor states.

Keywords: nanoelectronics, microelectronics, conductivity, transistor, tunnel current, integrated circuit, stock, stock.
PACS: 72.80.Rj, 73.25.+i, 73.61.Wp
UOT: 538.9


Received: 24.10.2019


  Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, 16/21 Azadlig ave., AZ 1010
*Azerbaijan Technical University, 25 H. Javid ave., AZ-1073
E-mail: E_Kerimov.fizik@mail.ru
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