2020   01   en   p.40-43 I.A. Gasanov, S.A. Aliyev, I.I. Gurbanov, E.M. Akberov, F.E. Mamedov, A.H. Kerimova,
Deposition of nanodrop phase from emitter tip on nearby mobile surface


The formation processes of low-sized structures by the means of fine-dispersed phase of liquid metal ion source (LMIS) are considered. The emitting tip is located in close distance from moved surface with the aim of deposition of narrow stripes. At distance tip – surface near 80 µm on the axis of thin and wide traces of (In+, Sn+) ions the massive continuous paths by width of several microns are obtained. The structure of deposited stripes by the length more than 10 mm is the grain structure. At further approach of tip to surface the path melts because of high density of ion current and heterogeneous profile of its cross-section becomes smooth. For deposition of narrower structures, it is necessary the effective cooling of conducting mobile substrate.

Keywords: liquid metal ion source, field emission, nanoparticle.
PACS: 29.26.Ni;79.20.Rf

Received: 18.03.2020


G.M. Abdullayev Institute of Physics of NAS Azerbaijan 131 H. Javid ave., Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ-1143

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