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Fizika, 1997,vol.III, 3
1. |
R.Kh.Salman-zadeh The differential shifts of Fraunhofer lines in
solar spectra. I. A displacement of the atmospheric (telluric) lines.
3 |
2. |
R.M.Sardarli, A.P.Abdullayev, G.G.Guseynov, A.I.Nadjafov, N.A.Eyubova
The obtaining and investigation of existance range of monosulfide talliy monocline modification.
5 |
3. |
R.Kh.Salman-zadeh The differential shifts of Fraunhofer lines in
solar spectra. II. The solar "limb-effect".
9 |
4. |
O.Z.Alekperov, M.A.Bagirov, T.G.Ismailov Capture of carriers on screened Coulomb centre.
11 |
5. |
Kh.N.Vezirov, N.G.Gasimov, I.N.Ibragimov, G.F.Guseinov About calculation
of temperature of photocathode based on it's physical parameters. |
13 |
6. |
K.A.Askerov The influence of ionizing radiation on the photoelectrical
properties of GaSxSe(1-x) solid solutions. |
16 |
7. |
M.N.Abdullaev, N.F.Abdullaev, K.M.Sultanov The influence of spin-lattice
coupling on an excitation in triangular lattica Heisenberg antiferromagnet (TLHA).
II.Excitation coupling waves. |
19 |
8. |
K.A.Askerov The influence of ionizing radiation on the main characteristics
of the cooled photoresistors on the base of CdxHg(1-x)Te. |
22 |
9. |
B.G.Tagiyev, N.N.Musaeva Electronic properties of PbGa2Se4 single crystals. |
26 |
10. |
M.M.Babayev Conductivity of HgTe crystal under conditions of electron and phonon heatings. |
31 |
11. |
S.I.Mehdiyeva, N.R.Mamedov Photoelectric properties of p-n junction on
CdxHg(1-x)Te basis under heating conditions of charge carriers. |
33 |
12. |
M.M.Zarbaliev Heat condition of solid solutions of system TlInTe2-TldTe2. |
35 |
13. |
Z.A.Tagiev, M.G.Shakhtakhtinsky, R.J.Kasumova, Sh.Sh.Amirov An effect of
linear lasses on the efficiency of higher harmonics generation in mediium. |
39 |
14. |
B.A.Tairov Temperature dependences of concentration and cyclotron mobility
of electrons in alloy of Bi(1-x)Sbx doped by Te. |
41 |
15. |
Z.A.Ibrsgimov Generation of ultra short tunable infrared pulses. |
44 |
16. |
V.M.Gadjiev The influence of sized quantization of the kinetic coefficients
in n-Ge and n-Si films. |
47 |
17. |
Z.A.Ibragimov Influence of concentration of glass forming components and
pressure on both conductivity and optical properties of vanadium-tellurite
glasses. |
51 |
18. |
E.a.Sadikhov, R.G.Gamidov, E.K.Guseinov Optical feedback in external
cavity diode lasers for small displacement measurements. |
54 |
19. |
K.M.Jafarov Phase formations and phase transitions in Y-Ba-Cu-O system. |
57 |
20. |
F.D.Kasimov, N.M.Ismailov The investigation of stability of silicon integrated Hall-effect sensors. |
59 |
21. |
F.F.Kasimova Silicon agnetic sensitivity elements and IC. |
62 |
22. |
I.G.Pashaev Investigation of properties of contacts of silicon with the
Schottky barriers depending on the structure of metallic alloy PbxSb(1-x). |
64 |
23. |
V.A.Aliyev X-ray scattering in the modulated crystals. |
67 |