2023   03   az   p.24-27 R.R. Guseinov, V.A. Tanriverdiev, V.S. Tagiev, E.M. Akhundova, I.N. Ibragimov,
On the theory of spin excitations in semiconductors superlattice nanowires at low temperatures


Using the Green's function method, dispersion equations are obtained for spin waves propagating in ferromagnetic semiconductor superlattice nanowires. Nanowires have a hexagonal cross-section. The results are illustrated numerically for a specific choice of parameters.

Keywords: nanowire, ferromagnetic semiconductor, spin wave
PACS: 75.70. A.k.


Received: 13.09.2023


Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 131 H.Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: v_tagiyev@yahoo.com

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