2022   03   az   p.21-24 K.H. Khalilova
Study of the temperature dependence of the specific electrical conductivity of TlInTe2 and TlInTe2-Te crystals under different irradiation doses


The temperature dependence of the anisotropy of the specific electrical conductivity of TlInTe2 and TlInTe2-Te crystals was studied at various irradiation doses (1 ÷ 250 Mrad). It has been determined that the formation of anionic and cationic defects in TlInTe2-Te crystals as a result of the action of γ-rays and the formation of complexes involving additive atoms and cations as a result of their migration increases the anisotropy of conductivity. At high irradiation doses, as a result of the dissociation of complexes, the concentration of point defects increases and the conductivity anisotropy decreases.

Keywords: single crystal, anisotropy of electrical conductivity, electrical conductivity, ionic conductivity
UOT: 54. 546.683+546.681+546.24


Received: 18.07.2022


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143
E-mail: xelilova_kemale79@mail.ru

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