O.A. Samadov1, Kh.B. Orujova1, N.M. Mehdiyev1,3, A.I. Najafov2, R.N. Mehdiyeva1, S.F. Samadov1, M.N. Mirzeyev1, T.I. Kerimova1
2024   02   az   p.14-18


The electrical conductivity of the TlInS2 <5% C> compound exposed to 150 keV protons was studied in a constant electric field; its ion and electron shares, relaxation time τ, and diffusion coefficient D were determined. After being exposed to protons, it was demonstrated that the electron share and relaxation time decreased while the diffusion coefficient values and the ion share of the conductivity increased. The analysis of complex impedance spectra reveals that the low-frequency region of the hodograph corresponds to the inclined straight line characterizing the polarization of volume charges in the near-electrode region, and when exposed to protons, the hodographs shift to the high-frequency region. It was also shown that the depth distribution of vacancies formed by the effect of H+ ions and vacancies created by recoil atoms in the TlInS2 (5% C) compound reaches a maximum at a depth of 980 nm and diminishes with increasing depth, and after a depth of 1500 nm, the effect of protons with an energy of 150 keV disappears.

Keywords: radiation with protons, godograph, complex impedance spectra, relaxation time, diffusion coefficient, ionic share of electrical conductivity, vacancy.
PACS: 29.20.dg, 29.27.Ac, 68.37.Ps, 78.30.-j, 61.05.Cp


Received: 30.04.2024
Internet publishing: 27.06.2024


1. Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Radiation Problems
2. Institute of Physics named after H.M.Abdullayev of the Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan AZ-1143, Baku, 131. H.Javid ave.
3. Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail: oktaysamedov9@gmail.com

Graphics and Images


Fig.1       Fig.2      Fig.3      Fig.4      Fig.5

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