2021   04   en   p.41-44 E.R. Hasanov1,2, R.K. Mustafayeva1, Sh.M. Khalidova1,
Magnetic field created by hydrodynamic motion


An analytical expression for a magnetic field created by hydrodynamic motion was obtained. The frequency of the Larmor is calculated. Analytical expressions of the magnetic field in longitudinal and transverse waves are different.

Keywords: Larmor frequency, magnetic field, hydrodynamic movement, current flow density, temperature gradient.
PACS: 72.70m, 72.70+m, 73.40 GK; 73.40 Jn, 74.40.Jn, 73.40 Mr, 73.43. Jn


Received: 25.10.2021


1. Baku State University, st. Akad. Z.Khalilov 23
2. Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, H. Javid Ave., 131
E-mail: ruhi-qrk@Mail.ru

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