2021   01   az   p.34-35 L.G. Hasanova, A.Z. Abasova,
Influence of gamma radiation on the electrical properties of Сu3In5S9 single crystal


A new complex semiconductor compound Сu3In5S9, attracts attention for its structure and physical properties. The layered structure leads to anisotropy of electrical and photoelectric properties. This compound is of applied interest due to its high photosensitivity and the value of the band gap. In this work, the current-voltage characteristics of the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of unirradiated and irradiated with gamma quanta of Сu3In5S9 single crystal are investigated. The depth of the local levels is calculated and the influence of γ-quanta on these levels is investigated.

Keywords: γ-quanta, radiation, injection current, volt-ampere characteristic.
PACS: 71.20.Nr; 72.20.Fr


Received: 05.02.2021


Baku State University, 23 Z. Khalilov st., Baku, AZ 1148
E-mail: ludmilahasanova@mail.ru
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