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Fizika, 2001,vol.VII, 3
1. |
Z.A. Veliev, N.A. Kardashbayova
The capture of holes by edge dislocations with participation of optical phonons in semiconductors.
3 |
2. |
F.D. Kasimov
Effective planar method of defects gettering.
5 |
3. |
S.G. Rzaev
Microplasma breakdown of p-n junctions.
8 |
4. |
M.M. Panahov
The dielectric properties of the ZnS films.
11 |
5. |
A.R. Hasanov
Acousto-optic methods and devices of signals handling in temporal area.
13 |
6. |
Sh.M. Abbasov
Semiconductor vibrational frequency-response sensor for pressure measurement.
16 |
7. |
S.A. Aliev, S.S. Ragimov, V.M. Aliev, R.I. Selimzadeh
The influence of the magnetic field on thermalconductivity and thermal power in Bi-based superconducting
ceramics near phase transition point.
19 |
8. |
F.F. Aliyev, B.A. Tairov, T.F. Yusifova, M.A. Kerimov, Firuza M. Hashimzadeh
Determination of defectformation parameters in Ag2Te.
22 |
9. |
A.S. Abbasov, S.I. Mekhtiyeva
The semiconducting nanocrystals.
26 |
10. |
A.M. Babayev
The Kane oscillator.
30 |
11. |
G. Karchava, N. Kekelidze, G. Tsintsadze, N, Guskos, P. Euthymiou, V. Aliyev
The improvement of the super conducting properties of the YBa2Cu3O7-d compounds by neutrons
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12. |
O.I. Davarashvili, M.I. Enukashvili, N.P. Kekelidze, L.P. Bychkova, M.T. Ebralidze, V.A. Aliyev
Applications of Mid-IR lasers.
37 |
13. |
N.G. Darvishov
VUV-reflection spectra of plumbum molybdate single crystals.
41 |
14. |
N.F. Gahramanov, S.S. Sadulova
Lux-ampere characteristics and photocurrent kinetics in Au3In5Se9 crystals.
44 |
15. |
N.M. Tabatabaei, A.M. Hashimov, R.N. Mehtizadeh
Charging of polymer dielectric under the electrical exposures.
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16. |
A.I. Mamedov, S.N. Musayeva, M.A. Kurbanov, A.Sh. Gasanov
On influence of structure of piezoelectric phase on pyroelectric properties of polymer-piezoelectric
50 |
17. |
K.D. Mzareulov, V.K. Mzareulov
Conformational possibilities of the p21ras protein family GTP-bonding fragment.
53 |
18. |
S. Moradian, M. Rabie, A. Sabbagh Alvani
Pyrylium ferrochloride as a dye laser.
55 |
19. |
F.Yu. Asadov, A.I. Movlamverdiyeva, Sh.K. Kazimov,A.G. Babayev
Thermodynamical and structural aspects of structural transformations in the monocrystals Cu2Te.
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