2022   03   az   p.56-63 1A.M. Hashimov, 2Sh.V. Bayramov, 2L.Ch. Suleymanova, 1K.B. Gurbanov, 1Z.A. Tagieva,
1V.M. Gadzhieva
Ultra-high vacuum installation and investigation of gas reactions on the surface of tungsten


Conducting experimental scientific research in the field of physics and engineering, in many cases it is necessary to study gas reactions on the surface of tungsten in high and ultrahigh vacuum. To achieve this goal, using modern elements of vacuum technology, an ultra-high vacuum installation has been developed and assembled, technical capabilities and operating principles of both individual units and the entire circuit are described.

Keywords: vakuum, forvakuum, ifrat yüksək vakuum, titan, qazboşalması, seolit, adsorbsiya.
PACS: 541.78.30. – j.74.25.nd


Received: 20.09.2022


1. Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan Institute of Physics, 131. H.Javid ave. Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
2. Mingachevir State University, 21 str., Dilara Aliyeva, Mingachevir, Az – 4500

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