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Fizika, 1996,vol.II, 3
1. |
E.R. Guseinov The reflectivity of the electromagnetic waves at the finite superlattice
3 |
2. |
R.Z. Kyazimzade Ground-state energies of deep impurity centers in Ga(1-x)Se(x).
6 |
3. |
M.I. Abdullaev, E.Sh. Alekperov, I.R. Nuriev Investigation on structure perfecton of this
surface superlattice layers by standing X-ray wave method.
9 |
4. |
G.Z. Bagiyeva, N.B. Mustafayev, N.G. Sadigov Surface conductivity of Ba2Te2,7Se0,3 crystals.
12 |
5. |
O.B. Tagiev, T.Sh. Gashimova Electrooptical properties of MnGaInS4:Eu single crystals. |
14 |
6. |
M.Y. Bakirov, M.A. Mamedov Optical properties a-GeSi:H. |
17 |
7. |
V.I. Nasirov Yhe influence of temperature and pressure variation on the kinetic of polymorphic
transitions a - y in paradichlorobenzene. |
20 |
8. |
F.K. Aleskerov Heat-treated thermoelectric alloy based on Bi2Te(3-x)Se(x):Fe system. |
23 |
9. |
D.I. Ismailov, M.F. Alieva, R.M.Sultanov, F.I. Aliev, R.B. Shafizade, E.Sh. Alekperov
Formation of superlattice s at phase transformations in TlGaSe2. |
26 |
10. |
T.A. Aliyev, D.A. Huseynov, F.K. Isayev Propagation of ultra-sound in InSb-type strongly
degenerated semiconductors with non-parabolic band. |
29 |
11. |
R.Yu. Aliyv, D.I. Karayev, K.A. Askerov Radiation resistivity of photodiodes on the InSe basis. |
32 |
12. |
I.V. Alekseyev Calculation of spectral distributions of sensitivity of a non-linear y-ray detector. |
35 |
13. |
Sh.M. Nagiyev, F.I. Jafarov Excitation of a relativistic quantum linear oscillator by homogenious
field. I. |
38 |
14. |
Yu.G. Nurullaev On the problem of the doping effect on photoelectric memory indium selenide single crystals. |
42 |