2020   04   en   p.03-10 T.M. Guseynov2, T.R. Mehdiyev1, R.T. Guliyeva, B.Sh. Barkhalov1,
On biological activity of selenium compounds


The inorganic compounds (sodium selenide) and organic compounds (Ebselen) can significantly influence on the development of virus infection including COVID-19. The oxidative stress is the one of COVID-19 key damaging elements. One of the main reasons of its activity is that M-RNA COVID-19 has the gens of important seleno-containing proteins (GP, TRx, SelenP) for synthesis and expression of which use the internal resources of selenium, forming its deficit that leads to limit of selenoprotein synthesis of organism. That’s why selenium status can have the significant value for both processes of infection beginning and severity of disease carrying out and following complications connected with damage of immune response and development of oxidative stress.

Keywords: sodium selenide, Ebselen, selen, COVID-19, selenium in human health
PACS: 64.70.Fx 36.40

Received: 20.10.2020


1. Institute of Physics of ANAS, H.Javid ave., 131, AZ-1143, Baku, Azerbaijan
2. Institute of Biophysics of ANAS, Zahid Khalilov., 117, Baku, AZ 1141

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