2022   01   az   p.31-34 G.S. Ahmadov1,2,3,
Measurement of angular correlation of prompt gamma quanta and neutrons in the fission of 235U induced by polarized neutrons with energy of 0.27 eV


The asymmetry of the rotational effect observed in the fission of heavy nuclei has been extensively studied for decades. These effects were first discovered in ternary fission processes, in a series of experiments at the ILL reactor (Grenoble) with the participation of scientists from Russian and European institutions, and measured for a number of nuclei. Later on, the ROT effect was observed in the emission of fast gamma rays and neutrons in the fission of 235U and 233U nuclei. However, the value of the effect was smaller than the value obtained for α-particles in the ternary fission. All the experiments were carried out with polarized cold neutrons with several spin states (J = 3 and J = 4) where the effect of spin states on the effect is not well known. Therefore, in this work, gamma asymmetry was measured at the resonance energy of 0.27 eV of the 235U nucleus at the POLI experimental facility of the FRM-2 reactor in Garching, Germany. Unlike other energies for which the effect was measured, it was possible to see changing of ROT asymmetry at this energy, where the J = 3 spin state of the 235U nucleus was dominated.



Received: 28.01.2022


1. Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan
2. Joint Institute Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia
3. National Nuclear Research Center, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: ahmadovg@nf.jinr.ru

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