2020   01   az   p.50-52 S.I. Zeynalova,
Density of states of electron gas in non-standard quantum wells


An analytical expression is obtained for the energy spectrum and the density of states of electrons in a quantum well with the potential U = Uoctg2 (πz / L), which in limiting cases transforms into energy spectra and densities of states for models of an infinitely deep well and harmonic the oscillator. The dependence of the density of states on energy for various semiconductor quantum wells is constructed.

Keywords: kvant quyusu, enerji spektri, hal sıxlığı.
UOT:538.97; 539.23


Received: 26.02.2020


Institute of Physics named after H.M. Abdullayev, of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131, H. Javid ave., Baku, Az-1143, Azerbaijan
Baku State University, 23, Z. Khalilov st., Baku, AZ 1048, Azerbaijan
E-mail: sebine-zeynalova@mail.ru
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