2024   01   en   p.26-30 T.D. Ibrahimov, H.S. Ibrahimova,
Electret properties of ZrO2 nanoparticles – polypropylene composites


Polypropylene samples with the additive of ZrO2 nanoparticles at concentration of 3 vol.%, at which the highest electret properties are observed, have been studied by the thermally stimulated depolarization (TSD) current method at different intensities (5·106 V/m, 107 V/m and 1.5·107 V/m) of pre-applied electrostatic field. The measurement of TSD currents revealed the presence of two main peaks in the spectra of the nanocomposite at 25-35°C and 120 -140°C. They appear as a result of destruction of one or another category of traps of injected charges. Calculations have shown that there is a monomolecular mechanism of charge recombination in these nanocomposites. It is shown that increasing the applied electric field leads to an increase in the intensity of the termograms, reaching a maximum at 107 V/m and then decreasing at 1.5-107 V/m. The activation energy, the total accumulated charge and the relaxation time behave similarly.

Keywords: polypropylene; zirconium dioxide; nanocomposite; charge recombination; thermally stimulated depolarization curren; monomolecular and bimolecular mechanism

Received: 15.03.2024
Internet publishing: 27.06.2024


Institute of Physics, Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, G.Javid ave. 131, AZ1143
E-mail: Hicran90@rambler.ru

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Fig.1       Fig.2        Fig.3       Fig.4


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