2020   03   en   p.14-19 M.Sh. Gojayev,
Structure functions and two-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive reactions νμ(ν‾μ)N → νμ(ν‾μ)h±X


The structure functions and longitudinal spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive reactions νμ(ν‾μ)N → νμ(ν‾μ)h±X are investigated within the framework of the Standard Model. Expressions for the non-polarization and polarization structure functions of hadrons are obtained. Within the framework of the quark-parton model, all structure functions are determined and spin asymmetries are studied in detail.

Keywords: deep inelastic scattering, structure functions, quark-parton model, two-spin asymmetry.
PACS: 12.15.-y; 13.60.-r; 13.60.+e, 14.20.Dh

Received: 19.10.2020


Baku State University, Azerbaijan, AZ 1148, Baku, acad. Z. Khalilov, 23
E-mail: m_qocayev@mail.ru

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