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Fizika, 2007,vol.XIII, 3
1. |
N.N. Niftiyev, F.M. Mamedov, O.B. Tagiyev, M.B. Muradov
The dielectric properties of layered monocrystals FeIn2Se4.
3 |
2. |
A.I. Mukhtarov, R.M. Ibadov, U.R. Khodjaeva
About limitation of elementary particles mass.
6 |
3. |
Y.H.Huseynaliyev, M.K. Suleymanov, O.B. Abdinov, A.S. Vodopianov
Search for the criteria to select of multinucleon collisions.
11 |
4. |
R.H. Yazdanxan, E.R. Hasanov
The semiconductor impedance of electron type charge carriers with homogeneous boundary conditions.
16 |
5. |
R.M. Kasimov, I.U. Ibadzadeh, V.V. Bogatov
Algorithm of determining conditions for non-catoptrical absorption of electromagnetic radiation in polar liquid strata.
18 |
6. |
T.D. Ibragimov, E.K. Huseynov
Optical extinction by small particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
22 |
7. |
N.Y. Yagubzade ,T.G. Dilbazov
Lightforce optical system of the small-sized spectral device .
25 |
8. |
G.M. Akhmedov
High intensity thermophotovoltaic cells on the basis Bi2Te3 - Bi2Se3 to light concentration applications.
29 |
9. |
V.D. Shukurova
The temperature characteristics of silicon photocells with a high performance of conversion of a solar energy.
32 |
10. |
H.A. Abbasov, S.I. Mehdiyeva, M.M. Javadova
The determination of diode capacity on the basis of Cu2Se.
36 |
11. |
M.A. Alijanov, N.M. Orujov, M.O. Mehrabov, S.M. Alijanova, H.I. Ibayev
Research of thermoelectric properties of (PbSe)1-x (CoSe2)x system alloys.
39 |
12. |
M.B. Jamshid, E.R. Hasanov
Theory of internal instability in the semiconductors with one type of charge carriers.
42 |
13. |
Z.A. Agamaliyev
The second acceptor level of argentums in solid solutions Ge-Si.
44 |
14. |
M.A. Nuriyev, E.E. Alekperova, D.I. Ismaylov
The atomic short-range order parameters in the films of triple compounds of Cu - In - S(Te) system.
47 |
15. |
S.R. Kasimova
The reflection of transversely polarized wave at its incidence angularly on two-layer system: antireflection coating - absorptive substrate.
50 |
16. |
M.M. Aliyev, E.A. Zelenkova, U.G. Gezalov
The revealing of dimension effect in electron subsystem processes of dispersed ZrO2 in spectrums of ultraviolet reflection.
53 |
17. |
Y.I. Aliyev, A.G. Babayev, D.I. Ismayilov, Y.G. Asadov
The structural and thermodynamic aspects of polymorphic transformations in Ag2Se.
56 |
18. |
I.M. Afandiyeva, Sh.G. Askerov, L.K. Abdullayeva, M.N. Agayev, M.H. Hasanov
Electronic properties of interface of Al0.8Ni0.2/nSi diodes.
62 |
19. |
Z.H. Tagiev, R.J. Kasumova, G.A. Safarova, N.A. Aslanova
Determination of media high-order susceptibility by nonlinear optics method.
66 |
20. |
M.B. Babanli
The parameters of martensitic transformations in Ti32Hf18Ni50-xCux alloys.
68 |
21. |
A.M. Hashimov, M.A.Gasanov, K.B. Gurbanov, R.N. Mekhtizadeh
Adsorption treatment of tannery wastewater under the electrical discharges effect.
76 |
22. |
E.M. Farhadzadeh, A.Z. Muradaliyev, Y.Z. Farzaliyev
Methods of build-down variance of the simulation model.
82 |