2022   01   en   p.18-22 E.R. Hasanov1,2, Sh.G. Khalilova2, R.K. Mustafayeva1, G.M. Mammadova2,
Oscillations of current in two-valley semiconductors in a strong electric field


For the first time, the Boltzmann kinetic equation was used to study current oscillations in two-valley semiconductors of the GaAs type. Taking into account the intravalley and intervalley scattering of charge carriers into the Boltzmann equation does not complicate the solution of this equation. The obtained values of the critical field at which instability begins are in agreement with Gunn's experiment.

Keywords: Boltzmann equation, nonequilibrium process, valleys, energy spectrum, energy gap, mean free path, instability.
PACS: 78,55, 73.22.CD, 73.22

Received: 10.01.2021


1. Baku State Uviversity Acad. Z. Khalilov, str.23, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
2. Institute of Physics, ANAS, AZ-1143, H. Javid 131, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
E-mail: shahlaganbarova@gmail.com

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