2022   03   az   p.34-36 R.S. Madatov1,2, T.B. Tagiyev1, R.M. Mamishova1, L.E. Sadigli1
Initial electrical properties of intercalated and photointercalated layered GaSe monocrystal at room temperature


A layered p-type GaSe single crystal was intercalated and photointercalated in a copper sulfate solution (CuSO4·5H2O) by the electrochemical method, and the initial electrical properties at room temperature were studied.It was determined that the selection of the appropriate temperature, distance and time during intercalation and photointercalation is an important condition. Once the exact properties (methodology) are selected, it is possible to create nanoblasts within the material to suit the chosen purpose. Thus, the resulting nanoblasts also allow to purposefully change the electrical properties of the crystal, to make the material unique.

Keywords: intercalation, photointercalation, electrical conductivity, concentration, nanoblast.
PACS: 64.60.-i.621.315.592


Received: 26.07.2022


1. Institute of Radiation Problems of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 9 B. Vahabzade, Baku, AZ 1143, Azerbaijan
2. National Aviation Academy, 30, Mardakan str., Baku, AZ 1045
E-mail: lamiye.isgenderova.96@mail.ru

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