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Fizika, 2003,vol.IX, 2
Выступление Лауреата Нобелевской премии,
Вице-Президента Российской Академии Наук Жореса Ивановича Алферова на Международной конференции,
посвященной 85-летию академика Гасана Багировича Абдуллаева.
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1. |
Sh.M. Hasanli, N.N. Mursakulov
A role of dislocations at processes of the mechanical bending of silicon wafers.
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2. |
F.I. Ismailov
Ground remote sensing of background air pollution layer on the city of Baku by the day sky brightness.
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3. |
M.M. Panahov, S.A. Sadraddinov, J.H. Jabbarov, B.Sh. Barkhalov
Photoelement with Schottky barrier on the base of the magnesium phtalocyanine organic semiconductor.
10 |
4. |
Line magnetoresistance of the semiconductive film with the parabolic potential in the quantum magnetic
12 |
5. |
R.S. Madatov, V,G, Gasumova, N.A. Safarov, G.M. Akhmedov
The influences of the surface effects on the mechanisms of the current passage in the silicon photoelements
with optical coverings.
15 |
6. |
H. F. Abbasov About domain wall motion in a surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal.
18 |
7. |
Kh.Sh. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Mamedov Optical model analysis of neutron elastic scattering from Carbon .
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8. |
O.A. Samedov TlInS2 - new relaxor ferroelectric.
22 |
9. |
F.D. Kasimov, A.A. Mamedov Reactive characteristics of optonegatron
elements on the base of local polycrystalline silicon films.
26 |
10. |
E.M. Farkhadzade, H.B. Guliyev Bases of the theory of capacity and energy of
distortion in electrical circuits with nonlinear power.
29 |
11. |
I.M. Abutalibov, M.B. Asadova, I.G. Jafarov The transient radiation of
the non-invariant source in the plane-layered medium.
34 |
12. |
O.Z.Alekperov, V.R. Abdurrahmanov Layered character of dielectric function
defined by the method of exciton spectroscopy in TlGaSe2 and TlInS2 crystals at phase transitions.
39 |
13. |
G.Kh. Azhdarov, M.A.Akperov, V.V,Mir-Bagirov
Distribution of the components in the crystal Si-Ge, which has been brought
up by the double feeding oh the melt method.
43 |
14. |
F.F. Aliyev, G.P. Pashayev, N.A. Verdieva The electric and thermoelectric
properties of Ag2Se at the low temperatures.
46 |
15. |
V.P. Aliyev, S.S. Babayev, Sh.G. Gasimov, A.A. Ismailov, T.G. Mammadov, Mir-Hasan Yu. Seidov
The anomalies of the electric and dielectric properties of the TlS in the region of phase transitions area.
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16. |
H.R. Gurbanov, A.A. Nabiyev The investigation of electrophysical properties
of Ln2GeS4 (Ln=Lа, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) compounds.
55 |
17. |
Z.A.Veliyev, M.H. Huseynaliyev The investigation of the highly photo conducting
chemically deposited CdS thin films.
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18. |
M.A. Mukhtarov
Stationary axisymetric gravity as a principal chiral field model.
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19. |
Vilayat Ismailov Measuring method and its gnosiological aspects in modern physical cognition.
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20. |
Azerbaijan-russian-english dictionary of the physical terms. |
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