2023   02   az   p.29-31 M.M. Qurbanov, M.M. Godjayev, К.М. Husеynova,
Degree of anharmonicity of thermal oscillations and mean free path of phonons in TlGaS2 semiconductor compound


In this study, the temperature dependences of the values of the Debye characteristic temperature, Grüneisen parameter, lattice thermal conductivity, and mean free path length of phonons calculated for the TlGaS2 semiconductor compound using thermodynamic relationships that determine the relationship between thermal parameters are presented in tabular form. The change in the values of thermal thermal parameters of the crystal lattice, as well as the decrease in the average length of the free path of phonons, is explained by the inharmonicity of oscillations. In the TlGaS2 - compound, it has been shown that the scattering of thermal phonons from each other and from other quasiparticles increases with increasing temperature.

Keywords: semiconductor, isothermal compression, degree of anharmonicity, Debye temperature, Grüneisen parameter
PACS: 71.20 Nr, 63.20Kr, 61.50.Nw


Received: 03.05.2023


Sumgait State University, 43rd m. 1 Baki street, Sumgait, AZ 5008, Azerbaijan
E-mail: *kama.mag@rambler.ru

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