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Fizika, 2000,vol.VI, 1
1. |
S.S. Agaev, A.I. Mukhtarov, Y.V. Mamedova
Infrared renormaton effects on light mesons' M distribution
amplitudes and FM (Q2) ,Fpy (Q2) form factors.
3 |
2. |
I.M. Efendiyeva, M.A. Ganberzadeh, M.N. Agayev, L.K. Abdullayeva
Inverse volt-arupere characteristics of (PtSi+TiW-Al)-nSi Shottky diodes.
9 |
3. |
E.A. Masimov, E.G. Ismaiiov, V.I. Guseinov
Influence of poly(ethylene glycol) with different molecular
weight on the ESR spectra of Mn+ ions in
the system Mn(N03)2-6H20/H20/poly(ethylene glycol).
11 |
4. |
K.K. Mamedov, N.A. Kerimov, V.G. Badalov, Ya.G. Guseynaliev, M.I. Mekhtiyev,
Sh.A. Khurshudov, L.M. Mamedova
Gamma-spectrometric complex for solution radio-ecological problems.
14 |
5. |
Spatial structure of the [Hyp3JMet-callatostatin molecule.
19 |
6. |
M.A. Kurbanov, S.A. Abasov, S.N. Musaeva, I.A. Faradzhzade
Mechanical properties of the active composites at the high electric field.
24 |
7. |
SL(3,C)-group element solution of Yang-Mills self-duality.
28 |
8. |
M.R. Vagabova
Influence of the crystalline field symmetry on the deep electron levels in TIFeSe2.
31 |
9. |
V.S. Tagiyev, V.A. Tanriverdiyev, S.M. Seyid-Rzayeva, M.B. Guseynov
Bulk spin-wave region in a ferromagnetic superlattice.
33 |
10. |
Y.A. Vidadi, F.V. Aliyeva, M.A. Nizametdinova
Influence the silver nitrate on the superconducting ceramics ErBa2Cu3O(7-d)+nAg.
36 |
11. |
Ch.M. Juvarly, B.Z. Aliyev, G.M. Kerimov
Sorptional processes on the steady surface in the presence of glow discharge.
38 |
12. |
G.T.Gasanov, A.A. Aliev, L.P. Guryanova
The some properties of oil.
41 |
13. |
M.A. Musayev
Oil emulsion analysis on water surface by lazer optico-acoustic method.
43 |
14. |
F.M.Seidov, E.M. Kerimova, S.N. Mustafaeva, R.K. Veliev, A.B. Magerramov, L.A. Ismailzade
Investigation of TlTe-FeTe system and electrical properties of TlFeTe2.
47 |
15. |
G.I. Isakov
Singularity of superconductivity of eutectic composition semiconductor-superconductor.
50 |
16. |
F.F. Aliev
Electric and thermoelectric properties of p-Ag2Te.
53 |
17. |
Sh. M. Nagiyev
Difference harmonic oscillators. II.
57 |
18. |
R.E. Guseynov, K.I. Alishova
Determination of the nuclear radius and some parameters of planetary nebulaes.
60 |
19. |
Ya.Yu. Guseinov
Estimation of the boundary separation between thin film-substrate in
the heteroepitaxial structures by means of galvanomagnetorecombination effect.
64 |
20. |
N.T. Panahov
Influence of oxygen on surface paramagnetic centers formed in silicagel
under the action of g-irradiation.
67 |
21. |
T.M. Lazimov
On the distribution of electromagnetic fields in quasi-conductors.
70 |
22. |
S.T. Kagramanova, F.A. Mustafayev, N.A. Djavadov
Research of critical points in the energy spectrum TlInSe2.
73 |
23. |
G.Z. Bagiyeva, D.Z. Akhmedova, N.B. Mustafayev, G.D. Abdinova, N.G. Sadigov
Surface conductivity of the extruded samples of Bio,5Sb1,5Te3 and Bi2Te2,7Se0,3 solid solution.
76 |
24. |
M.M. Tagiyev, F.S. Samedov, N.E. Gasanov
The influence of Pb impurities and the heat treatment on the transitional
contact resistance of Bi85Sb15-contact alloys.
79 |
25. |
M.B. Babaev
The investigation of time changes of V/R-variation in the spectrum of Nova HR Del.
82 |