2021   04   en   p.45-48 Vali A. Huseynov1,2,3,4, Rasmiyya E. Gasimova5,6,7, Narmin A. Zeynalova1,
Anti-stokes scattering of low-energy neutrinos at transversely polarized ultra-relativistic electrons in a magnetic field


We investigate the anti-Stokes scattering of sufficiently low-energy neutrinos (including relic neutrinos) at transversely polarized ultra-relativistic electrons in an external constant uniform magnetic field within the framework of the standard Weinberg-Salam model with allowance for the effect of the Z-boson propagator. In the weak field case, the contribution of the field and polarization effects to the cross section of the relic neutrino-electron scattering is negligible and the Z-boson propagator does not contribute to the cross section practically.

Keywords: relic neutrino, neutrino-electron scattering, magnetic field, low-energy neutrinos, polarization in particle interactions.
PACS: 14.60.Lm., 13.15.+g, 13.88.+e


Received: 11.11.2021


1. Laboratory for Physics of Cosmic Ray Sources Institute of Physics Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;
2. Department of Physics Baku Engineering University, Baku-Sumgayit Road, 16 km, Khirdalan, Baku, Azerbaijan;
3. Department of Physics and its Teaching Methods Sumgayit State University, Baku Street 1, Sumgayit, Azerbaijan;
4. Department of Engineering Physics and Electronics Azerbaijan Technical University, H. Javid Avenue 25, Baku, Azerbaijan
5. Department of Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Y. Mammadaliyev Settlement, Shamakhy District, Azerbaijan
6. Department of Theoretical Physics Baku State University Z. Khalilov 23, Baku, Azerbaijan
7. Department of General Physics Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, U. Hajibeyli 68, Baku, Azerbaijan

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