The study of samples PP and with the addition of 2% nanoclay using the IR spectroscopy method showed that an increase in the concentration of double bonds C=C, formed due
to the radical in the molecule, depending on the aging time leads to a shortening of the length of the polymer chains and therefore a decrease in molecular weight.
Destructive processes in PP are faster, but in PP nanocomposites with the addition of Dk1 this process is going slowly.
Keywords: polypropylene, nanoclay, infrared spectroscopy, optical density, molecular weight
Received: 11.12.2024
Internet publishing: 17.12.2024
1. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, 20 Azadlig ave. Baku, AZ 1010
2. Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 131 H.Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1073, Azerbaijan
E-mail: aynura.hadiyeva@asoiu.edu.az
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