2021   04   az   p.07-10 S.I. Mekhtiyeva1, R.I. Alekberov1,2, S.M. Mammadov1,
X-ray diffraction scattering in Ge-As-Se-S chalcogenide glass system


Ge4As14Se82, Ge4As14S2Se80, Ge7As16S5Se72, Ge10As20S10Se60, Ge17,5As15S15Se52,5, Ge24As19S20Se37, Ge25As10S25Se40, Ge26As18S30Se26, Ge33As17S35Se15 chalcogenide glass semiconductor (CGS) compositions are synthesized by the method rotary furnace and amorphousness their powder samples was approved by X-ray diffraction method. Based on the theory of topological constraints (TCT), it was determined that, since the average coordination number for Ge10As20S10Se60 satisfies the condition Z = 2.4, the fraction of vibration modes with zero frequency in the chalcogenide glass is equal f = 0. According to theory this corresponds to "isostatic glass". It is shown that in the compositions (Ge17,5As15S15Se52,5, Ge24As19S20Se37, Ge25As10S25Se40, Ge26As18S30Se26, Ge33As17S35Se15) corresponding to the "rigid stress" glass (Z˃2,4, Nco˃3), the size of the average order increases relatively and varies in the range of L = 25.37 ÷ 33.74 Å.

Keywords: Chalcogenide, glass, amorphous, medium order.
PACS: 81.05.Gc , 61.80.


Received: 23.09.2021


1. Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
2. Azerbaijan State Economic University, 6 Istiglaliyat str., Baku, AZ-1001, Azerbaijan.
E-mail: Rahim-14@mail.ru

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