2021   04   en   p.37-40 Sh.Sh. Amirov,
Effect of phase mismatch on the energy of ultrashort pulses in a Fabry-Perrot cavity


Analytic expression for the energy of sum frequency ultra short laser pulses in the Fabry-Perrot cavity is obtained in the constant field approximation where complex amplitude of high intensity pump wave remains constant. Effect of phase detuning on the sum frequency ultrashort laser pulse is studied through consideration effects of group velocity delay (GVD), as well as the phase modulation. It is obtained that energy can reach maximum at both positive and negative values of phase mismatch parameter depending on other parameters of problem. Energy maxima correspond to optimum values of reflective index of resonator at various values of phase detuning. In the dependence on the length of nonlinear medium it is observed relative sharp increase in energy when characteristic length of group velocity mismatch is zero. It is observed that energy decreases with increase in phase modulation.

Keywords: constant field approximation, second order dispersion theory, group velocity delay, phase modulated sum frequency laser pulse, Fabry-Perrot resonator.
PACS: 78.67. Pt; 42.65-k; 42.62 Hk; 42.70-a


Received: 25.10.2021


Faculty of Physics, Baku State University, 23 Z. Khalilov str., Az-1148, Baku, Azerbaijan
Department of Medical and Biological Physics, Azerbaijan Medical University 167 S.Vurgun str., Az-1022, Baku, Azerbaijan
Department of Physics and Electronics, Khazar University, 41 Mahsati str., Az 1096, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: phys_med@mail.ru

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