2023   01   en   p.56-64 Shakir M. Nagiyev, Shovqiyya A. Amirova,
The Wigner distribution function of a semiconfined harmonic oscillator model with a position-dependent mass and frequency in an external homogeneous field. The case of parabolic well


The phase space representation for a semiconfined harmonic oscillator model with the position-dependent mass and frequency in an external homogeneous field is constructed in terms of the Wigner distribution function. It is expressed through the Bessel function and Laguerre polynomials. Some of the special cases and limits are also discussed.

Keywords: Harmonic oscillator; external homogeneous field; position-dependent mass; Wigner function; limit relations.
PACS: 03.65.-w; 02.30. Hq; 03.65.Ge


Received: 27.02.2023


Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan, AZ 1143, Baku, H. Javid Ave., 131

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