2021   03   az   p.03-06 M.A. Kurbanov1, F.N. Tatardar1,2, I.S. Ramazanova1, A.F. Nuraliev1, Z.A. Dadashov1,
Technology of obtaining a piezoelectric substrate for the creation of polymer-nano- and polymer-microsized hybrid composites


The matrix-type polymer materials suggested by us are a hybrid of polymer composites consisting of piezoelectric nano- and microparticles. Hybrid structural piezoelectric materials consist of a nanostructured surface layer and a polymeric piezoelectric substrate. A polymer layer deposited on piezoelectric substrate in the hybrid type composite, is nanostructured and it replaces the surface layer in the matrix type composite. In the hybrid nanostructured composites, the polymer – piezoceramic substrate composes the micro piezoelectric phase while the SiO2 polymer builds the nanophase.

Keywords: Polymer composite, nanocomposite, electric gas discharge, piezoelectric substrate.
PACS: 83.85. Hf, 82.35. Np, 83.80.Tc.


Received: 22.06.2021


1. Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
2. Khazar University, 41 Mahsati Street, Baku, AZ 1096, Azerbaijan

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