2023   03   az   p.17-19 A.F. Kazymova1, V.I. Nasirov2,
Determination of atomic dynamics in RbNO3 crystals by Raman spectroscopy


In the present work, the structural-phase transitions in RbNO3 and its crystals of solid solutions were studied by the X-ray method, and to further enrich our studies, the atomic dynamics of the crystals was studied by the Raman spectroscopy method. It was established that the maxima in the spectrum were obtained at frequencies ν1= 106 см-1, ν2= 64 см-1, ν3= 724 см-1, ν4=1369 см-1. The results obtained by the method of Raman spectroscopy and comparable literature data indicate that the maxima determined at different frequencies are characteristic of alkali metal nitrates and their crystals of solid solutions.

Keywords: polymorphic transformation, radiographic, modification, isothermal, Raman spectroscopy
PACS: 61.50.Ks


Received: 04.09.2023


1. Institute of Physics named after H.M.Abdullayev of the Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 131. H.Javid ave. Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
2. Azerbaijan Higher Naval School
E-mail: aygun-kazimova-1981@mail.ru

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