2020   01   az   p.17-22 R.F. Sadikhli, M.E. Khaligzadeh,
Local structure and optical properties of Se - Sb chalcogenide glassy semiconductor system


The local structure and optical properties of ChSS Se-Sb layers are studied by X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering and optical transmission spectra. The geometric sizes of medium-range order and the “quasi-period” of fluctuation density in the given regions, the optical width of forbidden band and also the chemical bonds and structural elements forming the amorphous matrix, are defined. The values of average coordination number, the relative quantity of chemical bonds, the cohesive energy and the average bond energy are calculated in order to determine the correlation between short-range order and medium- range order parameters and macroscopic properties. The obtained results are explained based on the principles of the chemical bond model.

Keywords: average order, Raman scattering, bandgap optical width, average binding energy
PACS: 81.05.Gc


Received: 24.12.2019


Institute of Physics named after H.M. Abdullayev, of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131, H. Javid ave., Baku, Az-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: ramida_sadikhli@mail.ru
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