2022   04   az   p.07-09 A.O. Dashdemirov,
Crystal structure of Ge0.99Nd0.01S compound


In layered crystals of GeS, a partial replacement of Ge → Nd is carried out. The crystal structure of the compound synthesized under vacuum conditions was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. The studies were carried out at room temperature. It has been established that the crystal structure of this compound has an orthorhombic syngony with the space group Pnma. Unit cell parameters: a = 4.3165 Å, b = 3.6486 Å, and c = 10.4915 Å. The X-ray diffraction spectrum was analyzed by the Rietveld method and the atomic coordinates were determined. The unit cell of the Ge0.99Nd0.01S compound was constructed using the crystallographic parameters in the Diamond 3.2 program.

Keywords: Ge0.99Nd0.01S compound, rare earth elements, X-ray diffraction, crystal structure.
PACS: 61.05.cp; 61.50.Nw; 61.66.Fn; 61.40.b


Received: 03.10.2022


Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku AZ-1000, Azerbaijan
E-mail: adashdemirov@gmail.com

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