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Fizika, 2000,vol.VI, 3
1. |
N.Kh. Guliev
Search for slow spectral variability of T Tauri.
3 |
2. |
G.A. Agayeva
Theoretical conformational analysis of glucagon molecule.
5 |
3. |
M.M. Mirabutalybov
Nuclear structure and RMS radii.
8 |
4. |
M.M. Babaev, T.M. Gassym
Tfhermoelectromotive force of nondegenerate Kane semiconductors under the conditions
of mutual electron-phonon drag in a strong electric field.
10 |
5. |
M.I. Abdullayev, H.R. Nuriyev, E.Sh. Alekberov, R.M. Sultanov
Iinfluence of thermotreatment of Pb(1-x)SnxTe substrates on structure of epitaxial films PbTe(1-y)Sey.
15 |
6. |
K.Z. Nuriev, N.A. Mamedov, T.K. Nurubeyly
The influence of the spatial charge of ions on the disperse characteristics
of energy- and mass-analyzers.
17 |
7. |
Ya.Ya. Guseinov
Electrical characteristics interface of isotype mono- and polycrystalline silicon films.
21 |
8. |
S.I. Mehdiyeva, R.L. Bayramova
Some peculiarities of the paramagnetic resonance formed in various
industrial rubbers due to technological factors (I).
23 |
9. |
V.A. Tanriverdiyev.V.S. Tagiyev, S.M. Seyid-Rzayeva
Surface spin waves in a semi infinite ferromagnetic superlattice.
28 |
10. |
M.B. Babaev
Variability of physical conditions in the gaseous part of the Nova HR Del.
31 |
11. |
B.A. Najafov
The electrical properties of the amorphous films of solid solution Geo,9Si0,10:Hx.
36 |
12. |
A.A. Radjabli
p-n junctions formed in CdxHg(1-x)Te by diffusion of Au, Ag and Cu.
39 |
13. |
O.I. Davarashvili, M.I. Enukashvili, N.P. Kekelidze,E-G. Chikoidze, V.A. Aliyev
The recombination center InP doped with sulphur.
42 |
14. |
The estimate of selective absorption band of waves in two-layer system dielectric-dielectric.
45 |
15. |
B.Z. Aliev, K.B. Gurbanov
Effective kinetic factors in layerly-inhomogeneous systems.
48 |
16. |
E.N. Zamanova, L.A. Alieva
Photoelectrical properties of Solar cells on the base of barrier Shottky Cu2O-Cu.
52 |
17. |
T.G. Kerimova, Z.G. Mamedov, A.G. Sultanova
Simulated impurity photoconductivity in CdGa2S4.
56 |
18. |
On some dielectric properties of the smectic liquid crystal.
59 |
19. |
O.B.Tagiyev, S.E.Hasanova
Photoluminescence and photoconductivity in monocrystals of EuGa2S4:Co.
62 |
20. |
M.B. Guseynov, A.M. Suleymanov, K.M. Sultanov, V.S. Tagiev
To the theory of magnetic properties of high-temperature superconductors.
64 |