2022   02   az   p.12-16 A.H. Aydemirova,
Distinctive features of FTIR spectra of blood plasma of healthy people and lung adenocarcinoma patients


In previous studies, we have successfully applied artificial intelligence to FTIR spectra of human blood plasma to classify healthy and lung cancer patients. It is possible to determine healthy and diseased groups with an accuracy of 80% and 90%, respectively, using various statistical methods, such as “Linear SVM” (support vector machine), “PLS-DA” (partially square discriminant analysis) and “Random Forest”. In this study, we studied the distinctive features of the FTIR spectra of the blood plasma of patients with lung cancer and healthy people. These spectral differences have been explained on the molecular (or molecular-group) level. For these experiments, FTIR spectra of blood plasma from 36 healthy and 37 lung carcinoma patients were analyzed. In spectral regions around the wave numbers 3450 cm-1, 3280 cm-1, 3060 cm--1, 1310 cm-1, amplitudes and peak shifts were clearly observed, which distinguish sick and healthy groups of people. In addition, the average values of the amplitude ratios of the individual peaks A2959/A1545, A1650/A1545, A1080/A1545, A1080/A1243, A1080/A1170 can act as a biomarker characteristic of the above two groups.

Keywords: lung carcinoma, blood plasma, spectral biomarker, FQIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy
PACS: 87.64.Ve


Received: 29.04.2022


Institute of Biophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 117 Z. Khalilov, Baku, AZ 1141
E-mail: arzuaydemirova491@gmail.com

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