The main results of investigations on the electrical and magnetoresistance (MS) of a composite material consisting of 70 mol. % Dirac half-metal Cd3As2
and of 30 mol. % ferromagnetic MnAs are presented at pressures up to 50 GPa in a high-pressure chamber with diamond anvils of the “rounded cone-plane” type, as well as
magnetization at hydrostatic pressures up to 6 GPa in a “Toroid” high-pressure chamber, both in the room temperature mode and in the temperature range from 180 to 350 K at
atmospheric pressure. A 4:1 methanol-ethanol liquid is used as the pressure transmitting agent. The elemental analysis of Cd3As2 composite + 30 mol% MnAs, reveals that most
of the volume is Cd3As2 phase. The share of MnAs phase inclusions is less than 5%. The presence of a significant non-mixing region of the
Cd3As2 and MnAs melt phases is the peculiarity of Cd3As2+MnAs.
With increasing the pressure, a negative magnetic resistance (MR) is observed in the whole considered baric region. The maximum of the negative MR is manifested in the
pressure region of 22-26 GPa. Further increase in pressure up to a maximum pressure produces several extrema on the ΔR/R0(P) curve, and the negative MR does not exceed 4%.
In the pressure drop mode from 50 GPa, the baric dependence ΔR/R0(P) is characterized by inversion of the MR sign: the negative MR is replaced by a positive one at about 40
GPa, and the maximum value of the positive MR ~5.3 % is observed near 20 GPa. Signs of instability of the Cd3As2 monoclinic structure due to its partial decomposition
during decompression are determined. The prevailing negative MR over a wide pressure range of 16-50 GPa is discussed to be irrespective of the MnAs clusters effect, since
the magnetic transformation observed in MnAs occurs at pressures lower than 1 GPa, and the magnetization decreases with further pressure increase up to 5 GPa.
Keywords: electric resistance, clusters, high pressures, magnetoresistance
Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024
1. Institute of Physics, DFRC RAS, 367015, Russia, Republic of Dagestan M. Yaragskogo str. 94, Makhachkala, Russia.
2. Ural Federal University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Yekaterinburg, Russia 620002
3. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow 119991
4. National University of Sciences and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow 119991
E-mail: l.saypulaeva@gmail.com
Graphics and Images
Fig.1-2-3-4-5 Fig.6-7-8-9
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