I.K. Kamilov1, L.A. Saypulaeva1, N.V. Melnikova2, A.I. Ril3, S.F. Marenkin3,4
2024   C   en   p.17-23


The paper reports the findings on the baric dependences of the thermoelectromotive force (thermo-emf) of the Cd3As2 + n mol% MnAs granular structures, n=10, 20, 30 and 44.7, where peculiarities in the thermo-emf behavior (extrema, inflection points on the S(P) curves or pressure hysteresis) are observed. The peaks are observed in Cd3As2 + n mol% MnAs in the pressure range P= (28-35) GPa for the cases n=10 and n=20; in Cd3As2 + 30 mol. % MnAs at P= (20-35) GPa; in Cd3As2 + 44.7 mol. % MnAs at P=(30-35) GPa. At pressures higher than 40 GPa, the thermo-emf changes weakly or practically does not vary both at increasing and subsequent decreasing pressures.

Keywords: thermoelecromotive force, electric resistance, clusters, high pressures, Seebeck coefficient, relaxation time.

Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024


1. Institute of Physics, DFRC RAS, 367015, Russia, Republic of Dagestan M. Yaragskii Str. 94, Makhachkala, Russia.
2. Ural Federal University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Yekaterinburg, Russia
3. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russia
4. National University of Sciences and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow

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    Fig.1-2-3-4       Fig.5-6

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