The dielectric properties of the prepared single-crystal samples of solid solutions (TlGaSe2)1-x(TlGaS2)x were studied in
alternating electric fields with a frequency of f = 5 × 104–3.5 × 107 Hz. The relaxation character of the complex permittivity, the nature of dielectric losses,
and the hopping mechanism of charge transfer in the (TlGaSe2)1-x(TlGaS2)x samples were established. It was shown that in
(TlGaSe2)1-x(TlGaS2)x, with increasing x, the conductivity, average distance, and hopping time of charge carriers over the
forbidden band decrease, while the energy spread of states localized near the Fermi level and their concentration increase.
Keywords: transport phenomena, (TlGaSe2)1-x(TlGaS2)x solid solutions, alternating electric fields, frequency, complex permittivity, dielectric losses, charge transfer, localized states.
Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024
1. Institute of Physics, Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan, Baku, AZ-1073 Azerbaijan
2. Sientific Research Institute Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, AZ-1010 Azerbaijan
3. Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Az-1143 Azerbaijan
E-mail: solmust@gmail.com
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