M.M. Tagiyev1,2, R.Y. Аliyev2, A.M. Mammadzadeh3, Kh.F. Aliyeva2, K.I. Magerramova2
2024   C   en   p.46-49


The electrical conductivity (σ), thermoelectric power (α) and Hall coefficients (RH) of Sb2Te3-Bi2Te3 solid solutions with gadolinium impurities were studied in the temperature range of 77÷300 K. It was found that gadolinium atoms, replacing bismuth atoms that create antistructural defects, thereby reduce the concentration of charge carriers created by these defects. This mechanism is also suitable for Sb2Te3-Bi2Te3-Gd2Te3 compositions. At a constant amount of Sb2Te3, with an increase in the amount of gadolinium in the alloy, the values of electrical conductivity and charge carrier concentration decrease.

Keywords: extrusion, annealing, solid solution, extrusion, texture.

Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024


1. Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku city, Istiglaliyat str., 6. AZ-1001, Baku, Azerbaijan.
2. Institute of Physics named after G.B. Abdullaev Ministry of Science and Education. AZ-1073, H. Javid ave.,131, Baku, Azerbaijan.
3. Institute of Biophysics Ministry of Science and Education, AZ1141, Z. Khalilov street, 117, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: mail_tagiyev@mail.ru

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