As a result of studying the optical absorption spectra, it was established that the replacement of selenium with tellurium (Te) in the As40Se60 content leads to a sharp
decrease in the band gap, which leads to the formation of σ*-orbitals and LP orbitals of Te-Te, Se-Te bonds with selenium (Se) is associated with the creation of additional
energy states at the edge of the zone when entering the mobility gap. Replacing selenium (Se) with sulfur (S) results in the formation of high-energy bonds (Se-S), which
results in an increase in the gap width (Eg). As a result of an increase in the concentration of residual chalcogen atoms with deviation from stoichiometry, the increase
in the value of the Urbach energy is explained by an increase in the degree of disorder of the structure.
Keywords: chalcogenide glass, amorphous, Urbach energy
Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024
1. Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
2. Baku State University
E-mail: rahim-14@mail.ru
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