The dependence of the resistance of the transition contact rk and the adhesion work of extruded samples of the Bi0.85Sb0.15 solid solution
on the magnetic field strength and temperature was investigated. It was found that the resistance of the transition contacts of the Bi0.85Sb0.15 -
contact alloy structures is determined mainly by the resistance of the n- Bi0.85Sb0.15 solid solution - Bi0.85Sb0.15 solid solution structure heavily
doped with acceptor impurity atoms Sn and Pb diffusing from the contact alloy into the near-contact region of the crystal.
Keywords: extrusion, annealing, solid solution, extrusion, texture
Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024
1. Azerbaijan State Economic University,Baku city, Istiglaliyat str.,6. AZ-1001, Baku, Azerbaijan.
2. Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education. AZ-1073, H. Javid ave.,131, Baku, Azerbaijan.
3. Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education. AZ 1143, B. Vahabzade Ave., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan.
E-mail: mail_tagiyev@mail.ru
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