The temperature dependence (in the 78 K – 300 K range) of the following components of the tensor of electric resistance in low magnetic field – two components of specific
resistance (ρ11 and ρ33), two components of Hall effect (R231 and R123) and, five components of magnetoresistance
(ρ11,11, ρ11,22, ρ11,33, ρ33,11, ρ33,33) – for the alloys of Bi0.97Sb0.03
and Bi0.94Sb0.06 were measured. Due to the calculations the following kinetic parameters were determined: carrier densities of electrons N and holes
P; their mobilities μ1, μ2, μ3 and ν1, ν3, correspondingly; and the tilt angle of electronic
isoenergetic ellipsoids to the bisectrix axis (φe). Calculations were carried out for two- (L electrons and T holes) and three-band (L electrons, T and L
holes) models
Keywords: semimetals, galvanomagnetic properties, kinetic coefficients of Bi-Sb alloys
Received: 2024
Internet publishing: 2024
1. National Aviation Academy, Mardakan ave. 30, Baku, Azerbaijan
2. Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, H.Javid ave. 131, AZ1073, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: eltaj100@yahoo.com
Graphics and Images
Fig.1-2-3 Fig.4-5
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