18th of December, 2017
There has been held Academic Council meeting dedicated to scientific and organizational activities of Institute of Physics for the period of 2017
In Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Academic Council meeting
dedicated to scientific and organizational activities of Institute of Physics for the periode of 2017 has been held. Institute report is submitted
by academician Javad Abdinov , deputy director. J.Abdinov marked that in Institute of Physics during the year under reviers all the commitments
procuding from orders, laws and decrees of President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Cabinet and Presidium of ANAS were fulfilled.
In 2017 in Institute of Physics research work was carried out in three trends (condensed physics, physical and technical principles of optoelectronics,
nuclear physics and high energy physics). He submitted the information about important results obtained in departments and laboratories in Institute of Physics.
J. Abdinov noted that there have been obtained 4 patents by Institute research workers, the works on integration of fundamental science and education.
25 scholars of Institute gave lectures on special courses of study and were supervisors of master
theses in Baku State Univesity, Baku branch of Moscow State University, Azerbaijan State Training University, Azerbaijan State Economic University,
National Aviation Academy and other
universities of the country. About 30 tutors and professors of mentioned educational institutions were joined to research activities in Institute of Physics.
During the period between Institute of Physcis and Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry agreement on collaboration in scientific and educational sphere were signed.
Later J.Abdinov reported of scientific and organizational activities in Institute, Council Young Scientist activities, local and foreign grants.
18th of December, 2017
There has been held joint meeting of Trade Union and Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Institute of Physics
On November 5, Institute of Physics the joint meeting of Trade Union and Council of
Young Scientists and Specialists was held. Sitara Bagirova, the chairman of Trade Union Commiitte spoke about forthcoming II Sports and Athletics
Meeting among ANAS institutes indicating that the participation of youth in given event and their activity is very important. S.Bagirova paid a
great attention to the resolution fulfillment of President of the Azerbaijan Republic of 100 th anniversary of academician Gasan Abdullayev,
solution of Institute youth problems as well. The Board and Trade Union of Institute Physics are willing to render support and help to solve them.
Later Gafil Damirov, chairman of Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, doctor in philosophy noted that 200 young researchers are engaged in
Institute and Institute of Physics always takes and active part in ANAS scientific and social activities. He emphasized that there have beeb offered necessary facilities
for youth to be proved in Institute of Physics. G. Damirov told about the future projects referred to masters of Council of Young Scientists and Specialists
22th of November, 2017
Academician R.Sagdeyev in İnstitute of Physics, Azerbaijan National
Academy of Sciences
On November, 1 there was held a meeting with Roald Sagdeyev, Academician of USSR Academy of Sciences and Russia Academy of Sciences, Laureate of Lenin Prize, professor of Maryland University,
USA in Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Academician Akif Alizade, vice-president Ibrahim Guliyev, deputy
minister of Foreign Affairs, rector of Diplomatic Academy Hafiz Pashayev take part in the meeting. Nazim Memmedov Academician Secretary of Physico-Mathematical and Technical Sciences Department,
director of Institute of Physics made a closing speech. He noted that Academician R.Sagdeyevis world – famaous and made a valuable contribution to the development of theoretical physics, physics
of plasma, nuckear and space physics. Later Akif Alizade, President of Azerbaijan Academy of Science spoke at the meeting. On behalf of all research workers of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences he
greeted R.Sagdeyev and emphasized that for Institute of Physics being of the leader of Azerbaijan science the meeting with Roald Sagdeyev is the important event especially before his 85 anniversary.
Academician Akif Alizade celebrated R.Sagdeyev, told about his scientific activities and the importance of studying his works and discoveries by young generation.
Academician Sagdeyev spoke about his scientific activities formation shared with his memories about his tutors L.Landau V.Ginzburq and others. Then he answered the questions
and wished to get acquainted with the experimental base of the Institute. On November 8, R.Sagdeyev visited Institute of Physics to get to know the technological base and equipment
of Innovation Sector. In conclusion he marked that Institute of Physics is supplied with modern equipment enable the experimental works to be carried out successfully and the conditions
for working out scientific works deserve a high appraisal.
10 December 2017
Dear colleagues, authors of articles and readers of the magazine "AJP Fizika"
Published a printed version of the fourth issue of the magazine "AJP Fizika", 2017
02th of November, 2017
Youth of Institute of Physics ANAS completed 2017 year with awards
By the September 22, 2017 order of Academician Akif Alizade, president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences the contest
“Mother tongue is our national property” was held on September 23-25,2017. As a result of the competition, the second place was won by the master
of the Physical Institute, Ayten Sharifli. On December 28, 2017 on behalf of the Day of All Azerbaijanis of the world the final of Chess Tournament
for Cup of High Technology Park of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was taken place. The teams representing the institutes of
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences participated in the above – mentioned tournament. In matches for 4 days 32 employees were registered.
The winners taken the first, second, third and fourth places were announced at the final match. By the tournament results Sakin Jabarov,
doctor in philosophy was the fourth. S.Jabarov was awarded by honorary diploma.

02th of November, 2017
Between Intitute of Physics, ANAS and ASUOI were signed the agreement on collaboration
On November, 2 in Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (ASUOI) the agreement on collaboration between Intitute of Physics,
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and ASUOI were signed. At the opening ceremony rector of the university Mustafa Babanli made a speech.
Babanli spoke about ASUOI facility, specialities given at the University. He noted that the collaboration of two organizations is the result of the work carried out under
the guidance of ANAS and the Ministry of Education in integration of science and education. M. Babanli added about the work conducted to inrich the material and technical base in ASUOI.
He marked that joint investigations, personnel exchange will be made out projects with local and foreign research institutes will be realized. Then director of Institute of Physics
Academician Nazim Mamedov spoke about numerical meetings taken place in ASUOI and Institute of Physics, ANAS acquaintance with staff, material and technical base. N.Mamedov mentional that
University is one of the leading research institutes and is recognized in the world. He hoped that the work within the collaboration will be held successfully. Further the agreement between
Institute of Physics and ASUOI were signed. After siging ceremony deputy director of research of Institute of Physics, Academcian Javad Abdinov made a speech. J.Abdinov noted that the
collaboration between Institute of Physics and ASUOI in particular with «Physics» department on such specialities as power engineering has been always existed.
He mentioned that most professors and assistant professors of «Physics» department have been ingaged as research workers at the Institute of Physics,
ANAS and given collaboration will enable scientific and educational relations to be extended and high results to be achived.
Deputy director of Innovation and Transfer Ayaz Bayramov , doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, chief of «Physics» department ASUOI
professor Musavar Musayev and professor of «Heat Power Engineering » Kamal Abdullayev also made a speech.
27.12.2017 11:42
ANAS announce admission to doctorate and dissertate for 2018
According to the plan approved by decree Cabinet of Ministers dated December 20, 2017, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences announces admission to doctorate
and dissertate on preparing PhDs and doctors on the 2018 academic year.
Documents on the training program for PhD and doctors will be accepted from the day of publication (except Saturday and Sunday) from 10:00 to 17:00.
The doctoral studies in the PhD program are accepted citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan with higher education through competition (with a master's degree or education equated to it,
as in the medical education of physicians or medical specialist).
For admission to doctoral studies in the relevant Institute of ANAS (addresses of the institutes are available at www.science.az site of ANAS) should be submitted the following documents:
- Statement to the head of the scientific institution where the training is carried out in doctoral studies;
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the labor book for those who have work experience;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers and abstracts on the chosen specialty;
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- International certificate (if any) to the knowledge of foreign languages;
- A copy of the identity document.
Citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic with the PhD degree as well as the differing developments in scientific or scientific-educational sphere
and able to carry out basic research at a high level are accepted to the doctoral program.
For admission to doctoral studies in relevant institutions of ANAS should be submitted the following documents:
- Statement by (name of the head of the institution or organization, which provides training to doctoral studies);
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the employment record;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers;
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences);
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education for the citizens of
the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- A copy of the identity document.
Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel having higher education of higher educational institutions, scientific and other organizations
who differing with successes in the field of the study may submit documents in dissertate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ) who graduated from Master's degree or education equated to it).
Individuals who have completed education through dissertate, again cannot be candidates for a degree in the same specialty.
Those who complete their education in doctoral studies cannot be educated by dissertate in the same specialty.
Individuals wishing to become a candidate must usually have experience of scientific and pedagogical work.
For admission to dissertate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the corresponding Institute of ANAS should be submitted the following documents;
-Statement (by name of the head of the institution or organization, which provides training in dissertate);
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the employment record;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers and abstracts on the chosen specialty (training program for doctors of philosophy);
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education for the citizens
of the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- A copy of the identity document.
For the degree of Doctor of Science by dissertate presence, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is a basic condition.
For admission to dissertate for the degree of Doctor of Science in the corresponding Institute of ANAS should be submitted the following documents:
- Statement (by name of the head of the institution or organization, which provides training in dissertate);
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the employment record;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers (training program for doctors)
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences);
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education
for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- A copy of the identity document.
For more information you can address to the Department of Science and Education of ANAS.
Contact numbers: 539-30-60, 492-84-48, e-mail: eti@science.az
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