30 September 2018
Heavy bereavement for scientific community of Azerbaijan, famous physicist, Honored Scientist, active member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,
Professor Firudin Mammad Ali oglu Hashimzadeh died at the 83rd on September 28, 2018. Firudin Hashimzadeh was born on December 7, 1935 in Baku. After graduating from high school in 1952-1957,
he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Azerbaijan State University. In 1957, he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,
and continued his education at the A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Leningrad Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Started his career in 1961 as a junior researcher at the Institute of Physics
of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Firudin Hashimzadeh worked here as a senior researcher in 1963-1968, in 1968-1987 as head of the Semiconductor Laboratory, in 1987-1993 was the head of the department
"Physics of strong anisotropic crystals." In 1993-1994 he worked as deputy director of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, in 1994-2000 - the director of the institute,
and from 2001 until the end of his life - senior scientific employee. Firudin Hashimzadeh defended the candidate's degree in 1962, in 1972 - his doctoral dissertation, in 1974 he received the scientific
title of professor. In 1980 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 2001 he was a full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Being one of the founders of the scientific school in
the field of the theory of semiconductors in our republic, Academician Firudin Hashimzadeh with his fruitful scientific work made a significant contribution to the development of modern physical science.
Firudin Hashimzade's research in the field of the theory of solids was highly appreciated by specialists. The scientist created the theory of kinetic, optical and magnetic properties of semiconductors and
semimetals according to Kane type, determined the energy spectrum of electrons in a quantum system of small sizes, revealed a new mechanism for the formation of negative magnetoresistance. The research results
of academician Firudin Hashimzadeh are reflected in over 150 scientific works and one monograph published in our country and abroad. Under the guidance of a scientist in the field of physics, 11 doctors of science,
22 doctors of philosophy were trained. With his performances in a number of prestigious international scientific symposia and conferences, he adequately represented the Azerbaijani science.
The pedagogical activity of Firudin Hashimzadeh also deserved approval. The lectures on scientific directions of theoretical physics and the theory of solid substances read by scientists
for more than 30 years in the Baku State University were highly appreciated by the educational community. The scientific, organizational and pedagogical activities of Academician Firudin Hashimzadeh
are highly appreciated by the state. In 1986, the scientist was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science and technology for the cycle of works
"Optical Spectroscopy of Antiferromagnets", in 2015 for merits in the development of Azerbaijani science - honorary title "Honored Scientist". The memory of the famous scientist, teacher, scientific
organizer and sincere person Firudin Mammad Ali oglu Hashimzadeh will always live in our hearts. Rest in peace!
Ilham Aliyev, Mehriban Aliyeva, Novruz Mammadov, Ogtay Asadov, Ramiz Mehdiyev, Ali Ahmadov, Farah Aliyeva, Akif Alizadeh, Jeyhun Bayramov, Ibrahim Guliyev, Rasim Alguliyev, Nazim Mammadov, Arif Pashayev, Bahadur Taghiyev,
Javad Abdinov, Chingiz Ghajar, Enver Nahmadov, Tayyar Jafarov, Abel Maharramov.
Heavy bereavement for scientific community of Azerbaijan, famous physicist, Honored Scientist, active member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,
Professor Firudin Mammad Ali oglu Hashimzadeh died at the 83rd on September 28, 2018. F.M. Hashimzadeh was a famous physicist who made a great contribution to the development of semiconductor physics
and solid state physics as a whole. F.M. Hashimzadeh was born on December 7, 1935 in Baku. After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Azerbaijan State University in 1957, he entered
the graduate school of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and was sent to the Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute (now the Ioffe Physical Institute named after A.F. Ioffe, RAS),
where he underwent postgraduate training under the guidance of Professor A. Gurbanov. The first works of F.M. Hashimzadeh were devoted to group-theoretical analysis and calculation of the band structure of complex
semiconductor compounds. On the basis of these works in 1962 he defended his PhD thesis. After returning from Leningrad to Baku in 1963, F.M. Hashimzadeh was hired by the Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan
as a junior researcher, then until 1968 he worked as a senior researcher, in 1968-87 as head of the Semiconductor Laboratory, in 1987-93 years was the head of the department “Physics of strong anisotropic crystals”.
In 1993-94, he worked as deputy director of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, in 1994-2000 – the director of the institute, and since 2001, chief researcher.
F.M. Hashimzadeh defended his thesis in 1962, and in 1972 he defended his doctoral thesis on the basis of a number of works on the electronic spectra, electrical, optical and magnetic properties of some conductors,
in 1974 received professor degree. In 1986 he became the winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1980 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 2001 a full member of the National Academy of
Sciences of Azerbaijan. Being one of the founders of the scientific school in the field of the theory of semiconductors in our republic, academician F.M. Hashimzadeh with his fruitful scientific activities made a
significant contribution to the development of modern physical science. The works of F.M. Hashimzadeh cover a wide range of problems in solid state physics. First of all, it is a cycle of works that created a
group-theoretical basis for calculating the band structure and vibrational spectra of semiconductors. Another cycle of his works is devoted to the theory of narrow-gap semiconductors and semimetals. F.M. Hashimzadeh
created a consistent theory of the kinetic, optical and magnetic properties of semiconductors according to Kane spectrum of electrons. A number of F.M. Hashimzadeh predictions made in the works have been experimentally
confirmed (magnetic tape spin-magnetic resonances on the optical interband light absorption diamagnetic sign of the magnetic susceptibility of the electron gas in Kane semiconductors, the saturation of the magnetic
moment in ultraquantum magnetic fields, etc.). A number of works by F.M. Hashimzadeh are of a general theoretical nature and are dedicated to the development of group-theoretical methods applied to solid-state physics.
In a series of studies on the optical spectra of magnetic dielectrics, he widely used these methods to analyze the spectrum of magnons and excitons in carbonates of transition elements, and he created a theory of the
optical spectra of two-magnon absorption and light scattering in these materials. The methods of research developed by F.M. Hashimzadeh and the specific results obtained by him are widely known and are used to study the
energy spectrum of the kinetic, optical, magnetic and elastic properties of a wide class of solids. In recent years, the scientific interests of F.M. Hashimzadeh moved to the current area of research of the energy spectrum,
optical and kinetic properties of nano-objects - quantum dots, quantum wires and quantum wells. For almost 40 years, F.M. Hashimzadeh conducted pedagogical activity, reading various courses
of theoretical physics and special courses for students specializing in solid-state physics at the Faculty of Physics of Baku State University. F.M. Hashimzadeh founded a scientific school on the theory of semiconductors in Baku.
There are 10 doctors and more than 25 candidates of science among his students. He is the author of more than 150 scientific articles and several monographs. The scientific, organizational and social activities of academician
Firudin Hashimzadeh are highly appreciated by the state. In 1986, the scientist was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science and technology for the series of works “Optical Spectroscopy of
Antiferromagnetics”, in 2015 for merits in the development of Azerbaijani science - honorary title "Honored Scientist". The memory of the famous scientist, teacher, scientific organizer and sincere person Firudin Mammad Ali
oglu Hashimzadeh will always live in our hearts. Rest in peace!
Warm words about his friend, scientist and the person can also be read in the article from the editorial board of the journal, friends and colleagues from Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (RAS) on the
web-site http://journals.ioffe.ru/misc/Gashim.pdf “In the memory of Firudin Mamed ogly Hashimzade” ("Памяти Фирудина Мамед Али оглу Гашимзаде")
21 May 2018
In Institute of Physics Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Women’s Council constituent assembly has been held. Rena Mirzazadeh, doctor of philosophy, Ziba Agayeva,
doctor of philosophy sciences and Samira Kadiyeva, candidate of philosophy sciences from Women’s Council of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences took part in given assembly.
Academician Javad Abdinov, deputy director on science opened the ceremony. He wished success in further activity of newly organized Council. Salima Mekhtiyeva, associate of Azerbaijan
National Academy of Sciences, chief of the laboratory was nominated for chairman of Women’s Council. J.Abdinov spoke about S.Mektiyevas’s scientific activities. He noted that she worked
as a deputy director amd scientific secretary of Institute of Physics for a long time. He emphasized that S.Mekhtiyeva is the first woman as associate af ANAS on physics,mathematics and technical sciences.
Sitara Bagirova, doctor of philosophy on physics, chairman of Trade Union Committie, Elmira Kerimova, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor told about S.Mekhtiyeva and supported her nomination.
Given proposal was put to the vote and adopted unanimously. The working group including 13 men was elected in Council. While speaking professor Rena Mirzazadeh stressed that Women’s
Council of ANAS is distinguished from other nongovernmental organizations. She said that Council has been aimed at fulfilling scientific and methodological problems. R.Mirzazadeh
mentioned that Women’s Council will cooperate with the institutes, part “Yeni Azerbaijan, Trade Labour Commities, Councils of Young Scientists and Specialists.
Salima Mektiyeva expressed her gratitude to the Institute collective body fot the confidence.
21 May 2018
On May, 14 the team of Institute of Physics participated in final stage of V Football Championship among ANAS CYSS institutes. At the final match the football teams of
Institute of Physics and Presidium of AMAS have been competed. The game was tense and the team of Institute of Physics won with the score 1:0. During the last minute of the match
the team was outnumbered. The team goalkeeper getting the red card was withdrawn from the match and football player of the team of Presidium of ANAS did not kick the penalty. The game
ended with score 1:0. The team of Institute of Physics became the winner of Football Championship among ANAS CYSS institutes for the third time. Later the ceremony of rewarding u cup presentation was held.
During the closing ceremony Akif Alizade, President of ANAS stated that the championship is traditionally devoted to the birth date of national leader Heydar Aliyev.
He marked the importance of youth sport besides the science. He also noted that Institute of Physics kepps the leadership in science and carries out a number of grand projects with the leading scientific organizations.
16th of January, 2018
Scientists from Georgia in İnstitute of Physics
In Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences there has been held the workshop with professor Avtandil Tavkhelidze, Ilya University, Georgia and professor Z.Taliashvili,
Institute of Microelectronics, Georgia. Deputy director in transfer and innovation, doctor of physic-mathmatical sciences Ayaz Bayramov presented guests and indicated that the
workshop was dedicated to the results of joint investigations under pursuance. Professor Tavkhelidze spoke at the workshop with the report “Quantum effects due to periodic
nanostructure geometry”. First he gave the report on experiments under study and noted that the meamrements were measurements were mainly conducted on the installations in
Institute of Physics. He added the investigation results in detail. Further professor Taliashvili’s report “Production of Si-based solar cells of nanostructuralized surface”,
director of Institute, academician Nazim Mamedov, deputy director Ayaz Bayramov’s report “Optical properties of periodic nanostructures on Si-based single crystal have been made”.
In colcusion discussions of given theme have been taken place.

In Institute of Physics Azerbaijan National
Academy of Sciences there has been held the meeting dedicated to the memorable day of the Great leader Heydar Aliyev. Nazim Mamedov, Director of Institute made an
opening speech. He told about the work carried out for people prosperity to be improved, development of our state system to be done by great leader. He emphasized
that suggested strategy of national leader Heydar Aliyev within Azerbaijan independence defence has been continued today. N.Mamedov reminded that Institute of
Physics and research workers were honored with the scientific prize of “Web of science” base. He noted that purposeful policy of great leader Heydar Aliyev and
the successor of his policy President Ilham Aliyev is the basis of all achievements. Later N.Mamedov proposed to stand in memory of national leader. Then deputy
director on researches, academician Javad Abdinov, spoke at the meeting. He marked that Heydar Aliyev’s return to state power in 1990 th created the principles
of state system in the country. He told about the work in the development of Azerbaijan science performed by the great leader Heydar Aliyev. Salima Mekhtiyeva,
associate of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, chief of laboratory “Physics of non-crystalline semiconductors” spoke about the historic merits of great
leader to for our homeland. She indicated that Heydar Aliyev’s personality in Azerbaijan history and our state consciousness carries the great sense of responsibility.
She told about the inestimable contribution of Heydar Aliyev to homeland and nation. S.Mekhtiyeva pointed that great leader created state ideology having an effect
on all spheres of social, political, cultural and life of Azerbaijan. She noted that progressive period of as Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences as Azerbaijan
sciences has been referred to great leader’s guidance. She also emphasized that the science, economics and culture appeared to be at a high stage of development in
those years.
03.12.2018 12:25
ANAS announce admission to doctorate and dissertate for 2018
According to the plan approved by decree № 774s Cabinet of Ministers dated December 20, 2017 Azerbaijan National
Academy of Sciences announces admission to doctorate and dissertate on preparing PhDs and doctors on the 2018 academic year.
Documents on the training program for PhD and doctors will be accepted from the December 4 to 24, 2018 (except Saturday and Sunday) from 10:00 to 17:00.
The doctoral studies in the PhD program are accepted citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan with higher education through competition
(with a master's degree or education equated to it, as in the medical education of physicians or medical specialist).
For admission to doctoral studies in the relevant Institute of ANAS (addresses of the institutes are available at www.science.az site of ANAS)
should be submitted the following documents:
- Statement to the head of the scientific institution where the training is carried out in doctoral studies;
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the labor book for those who have work experience;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers and abstracts on the chosen specialty;
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education for the citizens
of the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- International certificate (if any) to the knowledge of foreign languages;
- A copy of the identity document.
Citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic with the PhD degree as well as the differing developments in scientific or scientific-educational
sphere and able to carry out basic research at a high level are accepted to the doctoral program.
For admission to doctoral studies in relevant institutions of ANAS should be submitted the following documents:
- Statement by (name of the head of the institution or organization, which provides training to doctoral studies);
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the employment record;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers;
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences);
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education
for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- A copy of the identity document.
Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel having higher education of higher educational institutions, scientific and other
organizations who differing with successes in the field of the study may submit documents in dissertate for the degree of Doctor
of Philosophy ) who graduated from Master's degree or education equated to it).
Individuals who have completed education through dissertate, again cannot be candidates for a degree in the same specialty.
Those who complete their education in doctoral studies cannot be educated by dissertate in the same specialty.
Individuals wishing to become a candidate must usually have experience of scientific and pedagogical work.
For admission to dissertate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the corresponding Institute of ANAS should be submitted the following documents;
-Statement (by name of the head of the institution or organization, which provides training in dissertate);
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the employment record;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers and abstracts on the chosen specialty (training program for doctors of philosophy);
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education for the citizens
of the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- A copy of the identity document.
For the degree of Doctor of Science by dissertate presence, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is a basic condition.
For admission to dissertate for the degree of Doctor of Science in the corresponding Institute of ANAS should be submitted the following documents:
- Statement (by name of the head of the institution or organization, which provides training in dissertate);
- Personal card on registration of personnel;
- Autobiography;
- 2 photos (size 3x4 cm);
- Extract from the employment record;
- The characteristics of employment;
- List of published scientific papers (training program for doctors)
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences);
- Certified in the appropriate order, a copy of the diploma of higher education (certificate of recognition of education for the citizens
of the Republic of Azerbaijan who received education abroad);
- A copy of the identity document.
For more information you can address to the Head Office of Science and Education of ANAS.
Contact numbers: 539-30-60, 492-84-48, e-mail: eti@science.az
September 24-26, 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

19 April 2018
Serial (being held every 2 years) International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC) was first held in Bath (United Kingdom) in 1973.
Later the conference has been held in France, Japan, Italy, Venezuela, Germany etc. In 2010, ICTMC-17 organized by Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was
held in Azerbaijan under presidency of academicians Arif Pashayev and Nazim Mamedov. International conference ICTMC-21 will be held in Boulder (Colorado, USA) on September 9-13, 2018.
At this conference Azerbaijan will be represented by Academician secretary of Physico-Mathematical and Technical Sciences of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, director of
Institute of Physics academician Nazim Mamedov and researcher Ziya Aliyev.
At the conference, the representatives from Japan, Korea, China, USA, Germany, Sweden, France, and Luxemburg will participate.
Selected articles will be published in high impact factor journal “Physica Status Solidi”.
12th of December, 2018, at 11:00 o'clock
The presentation of the doctorant thesis to obtain the title of Doctor of Science in Physics on speciallities 2203.01-"Electronics"
Ibragimov Tahir Djumshud oglu
"Peculiarities of some optical effects in hybrid liquid crystalline systems"
will be held at the meeting of the D01.011 Dissertation Council at academician H.M. Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS
28th of November, 2018, at 11:00 o'clock
The presentation of the doctorant thesis to obtain the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics on speciallity 2212.01-"Theoretical physics"
Mafkura Vagif qizi Gojayeva
"Analitical solutions of Schrödinger, Klein-Fock-Gordon and Dirak equations with ordinary and supersymmetric quantum mechanics for
exponential type potentials"
will be held at the meeting of the D01.011 Dissertation Council at academician H.M. Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS
28th of November, 2018, at 13:00 o'clock
The presentation of the doctorant thesis to obtain the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics on speciallity 2220.01-"Physics of semiconductors"
Aysel Yunis qizi Hamzayeva
"Impact of the Bi2Te3 composite on the structure, dielectric and optical properties of low-density poliethylene"
will be held at the meeting of the D01.011 Dissertation Council at academician H.M. Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS
24th of October, 2018, at 11:00 o'clock
The presentation of the doctorant thesis to obtain the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics on speciallity 2220.01-"Physics of semiconductors"
Narmin Arif qizi Ismayilova
“Electronic structure of TlInSe(S)2 compound and phase stability of TlInSe2 under pressure”
will be held at the meeting of the D01.011 Dissertation Council at academician H.M. Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS
13th of June, 2018, at 11:00 o'clock
The presentation of the doctorant thesis to obtain the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics on speciallity 2220.01-"Physics of semiconductors"
Tural Gulu Naghiyev
“Photoluminescence properties of CaxBa1-xGa2S4 solid solutions activated with rare-earth elements (RRE = Eu, Er and Pr)”
will be held at the meeting of the D01.011 Dissertation Council at academician H.M. Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS
27th of February, 2018
There has been held the workshop by Russian scientist
On February 22, 2018 in Institute of Physics Vadim Dudnikov, the well-known authority on ion sources held held the workshop “Modern H-Ion sources for accelerators”. Ilkham Hasanov, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, chief of laboratory “IR photoelectronics and
plasma phenonomena” opened the workshop. He spoke about V. Dudnikov and noted that the scientist is on visit to Baku on behalf of academician Roald Sagdeyev’s jubilee conference.
I. Hasanov mentioned that V. Dudnikov has been the chief of laboratory in Novosibirsk Institute for Nuclear Physics and headed the department “General Physics” for many years.
He said that in 1971 the sources of negative ions developed by the scientist were widely adopted in various laboratories worldwide. I. Hasanov emphasized that in the 1980 s.
V. Dudnikov took an active part in conferences and workshops in Kiyev Institute of Physics dedicated to ion sources. The scientist has been living in the USA to carry on his
scientific activities for a long time. Then V. Dudnikov spoke at the conference, afterwards the debates on the subject under the discussion were taken place. Later the guest
got acguainted with the material and technical basis of Institute Physics Innovation Sector and scientific activities of Institute research workers. Vadim Dudnikov got to
know Yuto Yasui, master of Chiba University, Japan being on two-month professional business trip in Institute of Physics.
24th of January, 2018
In commemoration of martyrs of January 20
In Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences there have been held the event
dedicated to 28th anniversary of martyrs of January, 20. Academician Javad Abdinov, deputy director in science spoke to the audience.
He noted that Soviet Russia showed repeatedly the aggression against Azerbaijan people. The events taken place on January 20 and Khodzali tragedy
were the most relentless. Late in the 1980th years Armenian separatists claimed their rights to Nagorni Karabakh, Azerbaijan territory. J.Abdinov emphasized
that Azerbaijan and Armenia were included in the USSR which duty was to maintain territorial integrity. But Soviet Russia spared no effort
to solve the given problem. By night from January, 19 to January 20 to srippers people and defence different nations’ rights in Baki 6000 military
from Stavropol and Krasnodar regions of Russia were sent there. J. Abdinov noted that 82 men had been killed before establishing state of
emergency in Baki. During January, 20 147 men died, 744 men were wounded, 841 men were illegally arrested, 200 homes were destroyed.
He indicated that the special session by Parliament members was held the next day. The great lider Heydar Aliyev risking his life charged with the organizers
of that terrible tragedy throughout the world community and made a courageous statement. The national leader called the tragedy the crime against Azerbaijan people.
J. Abdinov spoke about the history of Azerbaijan independence and marked that Azerbaijan must rely on itself and teach the future generation to remember our history.
Sitara Bagirova, doctor of philosophy on Physics, chairman of trade union committee made a speech as well. She pointed out that she herself witnessed the tragedy of
January, 20, 1990. S.Bagirova stressed that Azerbaijan people showed solidarity at that period. People consolidated for democracy, national independence of Azerbaijan,Karabakh.
She stated that Soviet Army attacked Lenkoran,Jalilabad. Nakhchevan as well as Baki. She underlined that in spite of annexationist policy against Azerbaijan our state
managed to maintain independence and now prospers day by day. S.Bagirova expressed firmly that martyrs’ blood death will be revenged and Karabakh will be liberated.
Further Gafil Damirov , doctor of philosophy on physics, chairman of young scientist and specialist council made a speech. He spoke about savage acts on January, 20,1990 and
noted that given events went down in Azerbaijan history as a heroic age. He emphasized that those who committed the tragedy had been gone unpunished so far.
G.Damirov said that murderous January did not subdue Azerbaijan people and the present Azerbaijan independence is the martys’ services and every citizen must save the independence.
Martyrs memory was honoured by standind and the film about those terrible days was demonstrated.
On September 11-14, 2018
Director of Institute Physics will participate at international conference
On September 11-14, 2018 director of Institute Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Academician Nazim Mamedov will participate at
International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-21) , Colorado, USA. At the Conference the representatives from Japan,Korea,
China, USA, Germany, France and Luxemburg will take part in.
18th of April, 2018, at 11:00 o'clock
The presentation of the doctorant thesis to obtain the title of Doctor of Technical Science on speciallity 3344.01-"High-voltage engineering"
Elchin Jalal Gurbanov
“Development of scientific and technological bases of influence of short duration strong electrical pulse fields and discharges on different dielectric mediums summary”
will be held at the meeting of the D01.011 Dissertation Council at academician H.M. Abdullayev Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan NAS
18 April 2018
Council of Young Scientists and Experts (CYSE) of Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) arranged the meeting with schoolchildren
in S.D. Pishavari in Republican Gymnasia of Humanities. The aim of meeting was to get acquainted with newly established “ Maly Scientific Academy” in Gymnasia and show
scientific and diverse physical experiments to the schoolchildren from Gymnasia. Jamilya Allahkhverdiyeva, deputy of director of Gymnasia spoke about the activity of
given Academy. She noted that S.D. Pishavari Republican Gymnasia of Humanities has been collaborated with institutes of ANAS for a long time especially with Institute of Physics.
G. Allahkhverdiyeva told about the contest “Future researchers” among IX-XI grade pupils arranged by CYSE ANAS on Institute of Physics initative in 2016. She emphasized that
distinguished pupils by results of given project were awarded. It is observed that in spite of the fact that Gymnasia has been specialized in humanities great attention is
also given to technical sciences. At the end G. Allahkhverdiyeva presented the executive council of “Maly Scientific Academy” and the president of this Academy Lyaman Gadzhieva
to the participants of the meeting. Later Gafil Damirov, chairman of CYSE of Institute of Physics, doctor of philosophy on physics spoke and painted that the science and education
are given a special consideratiou and care by the state programsbe appoved for different years. He relacted about the young scientists initiative to increase schoolchildren’s
interest to physics. He indicated that the main part of given initiative is to have held additional classes for VII grade pupils since September, 2017, the second part is to
enlist the schoolchildren to physics by means of scientific and diverse programs. G. Damirov expressed his hope for further collaboration. Member of CYSE Suma Guseynova, doctor
of philosophy on physics, research workers Sabina Zeynalova, Aynur Gakhramanova and Khumay Mamedova took part in this meeting.
In conclusion the scientific and entertaing show was demonstrated.
18 April 2018
Second year students of physics faculty from Azerbaijan State Training University within “Physics Month” visited Institute of Physics ANAS. The aim of arranged
meeting to integrate science and education is to increase students’interest to the science and rise their knowledge standarts. Scientists from Institute of Physics spoke to
the students about scientific activities and research works conducted in laboratories, the latest achievments of Institute scientists, got acguainted with the
advanced equipment of Innovation Sector.
27th of February, 2018
Teleconference within the NATO “Science for
Peace and Security programme” was held
Within the framework of NATO “Science for Peace and Security Programme” the teleconference on the opening of the three-year
“Portable sensors for unmanned explosive detection” project has been held in the Institute of Physics Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The NATO country project director (NPD) Dr. Claudio Ferrari (Italy)
and the project participants from the Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism - National Research Council (IMEM-CNR) and the University of Parma together with the partner project director (PPD) –
the leading scientific researcher, associated professor of the Institute of Physics Dr. Nahida Musayeva (Azerbaijan) with other participants and the workers of the End User of the project – Research and Development
center for High Technologies at the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies have taken part in the teleconference held on the 15 of February.
Dr N.Musayeva has spoken about the methods of fullfilling the scheduled work plan and responsibilities of the scientists, especially young specialists’ in the project.
Dr. Claudio Ferrari also spoke about project management and forthcoming scientific and organizational works. The research on the project has started,
and monthly report conferences are scheduled on a regular basis.