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Fizika, 2009,vol.XV, 1
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S.D. Alekperov
Surface image artifacts connected with the geometry an atomic force microscope tipSurface image artifacts connected with the geometry an atomic force microscope tip.
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2. |
Sh.M. Abbasov, G.T. Agaverdiyeva, H.M. Mehdevi, I.R. Nuriyev, Z.A. Ibrahimov, U.T. Farajova, R.A. Ibrahimova
Investigation of electrophysical and photoelectrical properties of Ge1-XSiÕ /Ge heterostructures obtained by molecular-beam epitaxy method
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3. |
H.H. Asadov, S.T. Suleymanov, I.Sh. Maharramov, T.M. Aliyeva
Synthesis of multiwavelengthmeters of atmospheric low gases and aerosol.
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4. |
Sh.M. Abbasov, B.A. Suleymanov, A.J. Mikailova
Distrubution of natural radionuclides in central regions of Azerbaijan.
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5. |
S.H. Abdullayeva, N.N. Musayeva, R.B. Jabbarov, C. Pelosi, G. Attolini, M. Bosi, B. Clerjaud, P. Benalloul, C. Barthou
GaInPn/Si heterostructure growth by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy
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6. |
O.B. Abdinov, F.T. Khalil - ZADE, S.S. Rzaeva
SU(3)C x SU(3)L x U(1) x Ux(1) model of electroweak interaction and electric charge quantization
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7. |
E.Sh. Hajiyev
Investigation of structure and crystallization kinetics of Yb3(1-õ)SmõAs4S9 OF amorphous nanothickness films by electronography method
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8. |
I.G. Aliev, E.M. Rzazade
Solar collectors mode of work and secondary optimization operational characteristics
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9. |
H.A. Hasanov
Charge carrier transfer in porous silicon formed on the surface of silicon of n-type
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10. |
M.A. Ramazanov , S.J. Kerimli, S.A. Abasov
The change of thermal properties of composite materials on the base of polymers and magnetic addition under magnetic field influence
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11. |
H.À. Gasanov
Thermoelectromotive force of two-dimensional electronic gas
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12. |
D.I. Ismailov, N.Ê. Êerimova
Electron diffraction investigation of crystallization kinetics of AgInSe2 amorphous films
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G.J. Guseynov
Experimental investigation of factor influence acting on ozone quantity in atmosphere
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14. |
R.N. Mehdizadeh
Influence of the electric field configuration in the discharge interval on charging of dielectric materials
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15. |
E.Sh. Hajiyev, A.I. Madadzade, D.I. Ismailov
Crystallization kinetic parameters of Yb1-xSmxAs4S7(õ=0,02 at.%)amorphous films
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R.F. Babaeva
Any peculiarities of photoconductivity and electroluminescence in monoselenides of qallium and indium
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S.K. Abdullayev, A.I. Mukhtarov, M.Sh. Gojayev
Double spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive dis
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18. |
À.À. Agasiyev, E.Ì. Magerramov, J.H. Jabbarov, Ì.Z. Mammadov, N.N. Godjayev
Influence of interatomic distance change on linear dimensions of solid state
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R.G. Veliyev
Paramagnertic susceptibility and electrical conduction of layered magnets Tl(Cr,Mn,Co)S2.
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N.I. Ibragimov, V.G. Agayev
Electrographic layers from trigonal selenium chemically refined and doped by sodium in binding
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21. |
E.À. Eyvazov, À.S. Àlmamedova, Sh.Kh. Khalilov, S. Sh. Êurbanov, S.À. Zeynalov
Electron viscosity of liquid alkali metals
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22. |
Ch.O. Kadjar, O.A. Aliyev, S.T. Azizov, K.E. Zulfugarzade, G.M. Askerov, A.J. Khalilov
Dielectric properties of non-associated liquids in low-frequency region
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23. |
F.Ê. Àleskerov, S.Sh. Kagramanov , Ì.G. Pishkin, Å.Ì. Derun
VIcinal forms and local pyramides of nano-fragment growth between Bi2Te3
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E.R. Gasanov, Pasoul Nezhad Hosseyn , B.Z. Aliyev
Internal oscillations of current carrier concentrations in impurity semiconductors
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25. |
S.G. Abdulvahabova, N.Sh. Barkhalova, T.O. Bayramova
The polarization effects of the n-9Be neutron elastic scattering
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