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Transactions, 2005,vol.XXV, 5
1. |
M.M.Babaev, Ò.Ì.Gàssym
Thermo-electric and thermo-magnetic effects of hot electrons under the conditions of strong mutual electron-phonon drag.
3 |
2. |
F.T. Khalil–Zade, B.I.Mekhdiyev, X.A.Mustafayev
Extended supersummetric model of leptons and quarks. Part I.
13 |
3. |
A new nonperturbative method and Bethe-Salpeter equation in quantum electrodynamics.
19 |
4. |
G.I.Abutalybov, V.Z.Qasymov, A.A.Mamedov
Spectral–luminescence properties of Er+3 ions in La2S33Ga2S3 semiconductor glasses .
27 |
5. |
S.Z.Dzhafarova, A.A.Dovlatov
Low-temperature investigation of influence of doped on the optical properties in InSe crystals.
33 |
6. |
R.N.Rahimov, D.H.Arasly, A.A.Khalilova, M.I.Aliyev
On resonance phonons scattering in the solid solutions A3B5 compounds.
38 |
7. |
R.M.Sardarli, O.A.Samedov, A.I.Nadjafov, A.P.Abdullayev, E.A.Zeynalova, J.H.Jabbarov
Anizotrophy of hopping conductivity in TlGaSe2 crysta.
45 |
8. |
R.S.Madatov, V.G.Gasumova, N.A.Safarov, G.M.Ahmedov
Short-wave photosensivity in the irradiated silicon photoconverters with optical coverings.
51 |
9. |
F.N.Abdullayev, G.H.Huseynov, R.D.Kurbanova, N.A.Abdullayev
Mechanism of electrical conductivity in GåNi3Te5 monocrystals.
56 |
10. |
V.K.Kazimova, Z.M.Zeynalov, H.Kh.Azhdarov
Distribution of In-impurity in Ge-Si crystals, grown by the modified bridgman method using Ge seed crystal.
61 |
11. |
M.K.Kerimov, M.A.Kurbanov, G.M.Geydarov, M.A.Nuriev
Features of creation of electroacoustic transducers the basis of piezocomposite elements.
66 |
12. |
A.Sh.Abdinov, R.F.Babaeva, A.T.Bagirova, R.M.Rzaev, G.Kh.Eyvazova
Features of electrical instabilities in InSe single crystals,doped by rare elements.
73 |
13. |
R.S.Madatov, A.R.Nadjafov, Sh.P.Shekili, T.B.Tagiyev
Injection current in the irradiated layered monocristals of sulfide of gallium.
78 |
14. |
F.N.Abdullayev, T.G.Kerimova, N.A.Abdullayev
Method of measuring of resistivity of samples of layered crystals.
83 |
15. |
Dielectric dispersion, polarization and pyroelectric properties on TlInS2 doped by bor.
95 |
16. |
Z.F.Agayev, G.Z.Bagiyeva, E.A.Allahverdiyev, J.Sh.Abdinov
Non-homogenity of electrical properties of single crystals PbTe.
100 |
17. |
Raman specter and photoluminescence (PL) characterization of SrGa2S4:Eu thin films prepared by flash evaporation method.
105 |
18. |
N.N.Lebedeva, V.I.Orbukh, Ye.Yu.Bobrova
About the formation of the low resistive gas condition above a semiconducting electrode surface in the prebreakdown regime.
111 |
19. |
S.N.Mustafaeva, A.A.Ismailov
Injection currents in TlInS2 single crystal.
116 |
20. |
Z.M.Zakhrabekova, Z.M.Zeynalov, H.Kh.Azhdarov
Distribution of al-impurity along the Ge-Si uniform crystals, grown by the modified czochralski method using Si feeding rod.
119 |
21. |
Sh.M.Alekperova, G.S.Hadjieva, I.A.Akhmedov
Negativ resistans, switching and memory effekt in the MIM and MSM, MIS structures for the silver chalkogenides. Part I.
123 |
22. |
M.G.Kyazumov, G.G.Guseinov, M.G.Kazimov, L.V.Rustamova
Electron diffraction investigation of Fe0,5Ga0,5InS3, Fe0,25Ga0,5In1,25S3 and Fe0,75Ga0,25InS3 crystals.
129 |
23. |
Q.T.Gasanov, A.N.Mammadova
Determination of temperature dependence of liquid’s capacity.
136 |
24. |
E.R.Gasanov, R.K.Gasimova
Fluctuation of a current in two-valley semiconductors at the presence of external constant magnetic field.
140 |
25. |
Giant dipole and quadrupole resonance in nucleus.
144 |
26. |
À.A.Garibov, N.G.Gasanov, M.A.Mehrabova
Photolysis H2O and CO2 on the surface of graphite like boron nitride.
149 |
27. |
Investigation of the vapor pressure of LiI+CH3OH solutions using a static method.
152 |
28. |
M.M.Asadov, A.S.Abbasov
Calculation of dissolution enthalpy binary ionic compounds.
158 |
29. |
Ò.B.Gurbanov, V.A.Neymetli, F.R.Hashimova
Way of increase the overall performance of compound piezoelectric converters.
162 |
30. |
Semi-phenomenological approach to surface tension of liquids.
168 |
31. |
Influence by doped by a complex impurity on mechanical and thermoelectric parameters.
172 |
32. |
E.R.Gasanov, M.F.Novruzov
Fluctuations of a current in firm bodies at presence an electric field, a gradient of temperature and a magnetic field.
176 |
33. |
M.A.Mehrabova, Z.A.Jahangirli
Electron structure of defects and impurities A3B6 type semiconductors.
180 |
34. |
M.I.Valiyev, R.M.Kasimov, Ch.O.Kadjar
Dielectric relaxation of di-acetone alcohol.
185 |
35. |
Technological aspects of electrodischarge modifying of dielectric materials surface.
190 |
36. |
M.R.Metskhvarishvili, I.R.Metskhvarishvili, I.P.Kekelidze, L.R.Khorbaladze, I.Mjavanadze
Penetration of magnetic fields into the Josephson structure: critical state.
195 |
37. |
K.Z. Nuriyev
Mass–spectrometry of metals by the method of secondary ions emission.
199 |
38. |
New approach to definition of potential of the electric field created by set distribution in space of electric charges.
205 |
39. |
E.A. Kazimov
About defining physical-rheological properties of composite systems with elastic bases.
215 |
40. |
R.M.Musayev, M.A.Aliyev, R.S.Babayev, X.G.Agamirov
Summary on studying the mechanism of formation of empty hydrate cell on the basis of the energetic changes among the molecules.
220 |
41. |
A.R.Hasanov, R.A.Allahverdizade Kh.I.Abdullayev
Distortions of signals in acousto-optic delay lines with direct detecting.
225 |
42. |
Electrodischarge treatment of bentonite clay for waste clearing.
230 |
43. |
N.Z. Ismailov, N.Y.Ahmedova, A.A.Aliyeva
Research of stability of the spectrometer of focus Kassegren of 2-m telescope SHAO.
234 |
44. |
S.H.Aliyev, S.G.Zeynalov
Study of non-homogenioucity of surface of magnetic CP-stars.
239 |
45. |
The institute of Physic Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR (1945-1955).
247 |
46. |
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