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The meeting has been held at the Institute of Physics on January 30, 2025 with Kazakhstan delegation. Kazakhstan delegation was represented by various organizations. The meeting was opened by Director General of Institute academician Arif Hashimov. He has pointed out that Institute of Physics is always welcoming and open for establishment cooperative relationships including with Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan delegation was represented by Nurkhat Zhakiyev-Director, Department of Science and Innovation of the Astana IT University, Yedilkhan Didar-Director of the Smart City Research and Innovation Center, Aruzhan Shoman-Director of the AgroTech Research and Innovation Center, Zhanna Bulkhairova-Director of the Scienhce and Innovation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, Kadyrzhan Makangali-assistant professor of Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S. Seifullin University, Ruslan Omirgaliyev Astana University of the Information Technologies chief coputer lecturer of the Electrical department. They have stated the purpose of the visit to Azerbaijan and significance of establishment cooperation with Azerbaijani scientific organizations. The gests have visited to some laboratories of the Institute of physics and were informed about research activities provided by scientific researchers of the institute. An executive director of the institute Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Huseynov, scientific secretary Afat Karimova, laboratory head Tarana Nuribayli, head of department Rustam B. Rustamov have participated in the meeting.



The International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) was held for the first time in the capital of China, Beijing as part of regularly based event of "Development of Science for Humanity". The scientists of the Institutunun of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan academician Nazim Mammadov, doctors of physical and mathematical sciences Nadir Abdullaev, İmaməddin Amiraslanov and doctor of chemical sciences Zia Aliyev as co-authors of the scientific paper “A new quantum condition of the matter - antiferromagnetic topological insulator” were attended to the Congress. Note that a scientific paper has published in the Journal Nature on December 18, 2019. Award of the prize nominated by high recognazed World wide scientists demonstrates status of the activities of scientists from Azerbaijan by the world scientific community.
The International Congress of Basic Sciences based on the achievements and best research outcomes in fundamental science published within the past five years. The Congress considers 3 areas of basic sciences - mathematics, theoretical physics and quantum computer and information sciences.



Ms Daria Sovelyeva (online) from "Springer Nature" and Ms Camilla Minlibayeva and Ms Maria Kondrateva from "MA GROUP" have visited to the Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan organized by the Department of Education, External and Public Relations. The guests first met academician Arif Hashimov, Director General of Institute. During the meeting, all issues envisaged within the framework of the visit program were discussed: existing requirements for expert exchange, studying the possibility of including the Institute of Physics journals in the Springer Nature platform, access to the Springer Nature platform, studying the possibilities of the Institute of Physics employees to participate in the Springer Nature scientific platform and other cooperation opportunities.
As per considered within the visit program a seminar of the Institute was organized. The seminar was opened with an introductory speech by the head of the department of education, external and public relations of the İnstitutun PhD Rustam Rustamov. He has noted that the basis of cooperation between MA Group AG and the Institute of Physics is existing with permit trial free cost access to the resources of the MA Group AG. Ms Daria Sovelyeva, Ms Camilla Minlibayeva and Ms Maria Kondrateva made a presentations and provide comprehensive information about services by thiers organizations.
Daha sonra institutda seminar təşkil olunub. Seminarı giriş sözü ilə İnstitutun Təhsil, xarici və ictimaiyyətlə əlaqələr şöbəsinin müdiri, fizika üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Rüstəm Rüstəmov açıb. Bildirib ki, “MA Group AG” ilə Fizika institutu arasında əməkdaşlığın təməli elmin müvafiq sahələri üzrə “MA Group AG” malik olduğu resurslara maliyyə məsrəfi olmadan müddətli giriş təşkil olunub. Sonra Springer Nature əməkdaşı Darya Sovelyeva online rejimdə və “MA Group AG” əməkdaşları Kamilla Minlibaeva və Mariya Kondrateva canlı olaraq təqdimatlarla çıxış edərək təmsil etdikləri qurumların maliuk olduqları potensialdan və xidmətlərdən söhbət açdılar.
Sonda mövzu ətrafında müzakirələr aparılıb və suallar cavablandırılıb.



In 1-2 June has been held International Conference titled “One Health: Problems and Solutions” at Khazar University. Saida Mammadova, Suma Huseynova and Rustam B. Rustamov have participated in the Conference. It is delivered presentation on the topic “Studying gold absorbed on graphene supecell as a drug carrier for anticancer drug β-lapachone” which was delovered by Rustam B. Rustamov. This presentation was dedicated to the study of development of β-lapachone which could be used for in different areas of medicine applications.



Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan has established a new organization “Renaissance”. Head of the "Physics and Technology of High Voltage" laboratory, Doctor of Physical Sciences, associate professor Ms Tarana Nurubeyli announced in her opening speech that 11 people are participating in the meeting, who will become members of the organization. She noted that main aim of the organization is to bring together a group of like-minded scientists and establish activities with a new approach in scientific research, promoting the integration of science and education and exploring opportunities for commercialization by participating in various projects, studying and applying methods used to solve existing problems in world science, as well as making contributions based on funds that will affect the development of science.
Afterwards, a closed ballot was held for the establishment of the organization and the selection of the board of directors. According to the results of the voting, senior researcher, doctor of philosophy in physics Ms Saida Mammadova was elected as the chairman, scientific researcher Mr Dunyamali Mammadov as the deputy chairman, and senior specialist Ms Mahbuba Valiyeva as the secretary of organization.
In conclusion, the newly elected chairman Ms Saida Mammadova has a made speech. She noted that it is significant to develop a strategy for the organization in order to execute expectations in accordance with its goals and objectives. For achievement of intended activities, it is important firstly compile roadmap and define a tactical actions.
Saida Mammadova expressed gratitude for the trust placed in her in this responsible position and stressed that successful results would be achieved in the course of the group's joint activities. She also said that she is sure that each participant would support and contribute the activity as a one team.

18 July 2022


Political scientist Sandro Teti, head of the Italian publishing house "Teti Editore" at the Physics Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), prof. Laura Teti and Valerio Ferrandi were guests. At the event, acting president of ANAS, general director of the Institute academician Arif Hashimov, head of the International scientific cooperation department of the Presidium of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in biology, associate professor Esmira Alirzayeva, professor, vice-rector for international relations of the Baku branch of Moscow State University, Oktay Tagiyev, head of the laboratory "Nonequilibrium electronic processes in semiconductors", doctor of philosophy in physics, scientific secretary Zaur Suleymanov, associate professor, head of the laboratory "Nanomaterials application technologies" Nahida Musayeva, doctor of physical sciences, associate professor, head of the "High voltage engineering" laboratory Tarana Nurubeyli and others participated.
International scientific relations between Azerbaijan and Italy were discussed at the event. Later, the guests got acquainted with the laboratories of the Institute of Physics and took commemorative photos.


15 September 2021


Practice is one of the most important components of the professional training of any specialist, when the main goal is not just the assimilation of "ready-made knowledge" proposed by the teacher, but their actual application in conditions of real problems. The practice allows the student to try his hand at the chosen profession, helps in acquiring the skills of analyzing a variety of information and determining the scope of future scientific interests. All of this becomes especially critical as graduation approaches. From August 27 to September 10, third-year students of the physics department of the branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Baku had the opportunity to undergo an industrial practice at the Institute of Physics of ANAS.
First, the trainees under the leadership of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, the head of the department of scientific and technical information and patent affairs Hasan Askerov got acquainted with the history of the Institute of Physics of ANAS, listened to a lecture about outstanding scientists who worked within its walls. Further, during practical classes in various laboratories of the Institute, students were able to demonstrate and develop their theoretical training received in the classroom at the Branch. So, in the laboratory "Physics of cosmic ray sources" the mentor of future specialists was the corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Veli Huseynov; in the laboratory "Physics of nano- and active composites" - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Takhir Ibragimov; in the laboratory "Physics of Lasers" - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Azad Izmailov. In the laboratory "Materials Science" trainees under the scientific supervision of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Arzu Najafov took part in the work on the topic "Methods of obtaining and measuring the properties of crystalline materials", and in the laboratory "Thin-layer structures" under the guidance of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ayaz Bayramov - on the topic "Methods for obtaining and studying the properties of thin-film structures".
In the laboratories "Spectroscopic ellipsometry" and "Physics of nanocrystals" practical exercises on the topics "Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter" and "Raman scattering of light" were conducted by Academician of ANAS Nazim Mammadov and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Zakir Jahangirli. In the laboratory "Crystallography" students received practical skills on the topic "Study of crystals by X-ray diffraction" under the supervision of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Imametdin Amiraslanov. The chairman of the national group at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Nazim Huseynov, introduced the students to the research work carried out at JINR by the national group. The head of the practice was the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Physics Sevinj Atayeva.
The students thanked their mentors for gaining new practical knowledge, which will certainly help them in their further studies. The opportunity to take part in research ourselves, to observe the work of leading scientists in the field of physical science in Azerbaijan, is the most important experience, which, first of all, will have an impact on the further, and, as we are sure, successful, employment of future specialists.

19 September 2022


Dates of International Conferences dedicated to: 100th anniversary of the birth of academician L.M.Imanov "Molecular spectroscopy" and the 90th anniversary academician M.Kh. Shakhtakhtinsky "Physics of Composite Materials", will be announced later.
All conference materials are published on the AJP Physics journal website under the index "AJP Physics C".



On February 24, 2023, a meeting was held between the representatives of the Social Innovation Center representing the European Union and the management of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences at the Physics Institute of the Ministry of Science and Education. Academician Arif Hashimov, First Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, Vice-President of ANAS, and Associate Professor Esmira Alirzayeva, Head of International Relations Department of ANAS Presidium, attended the meeting. The Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education was represented by Associate Professor Rustam Rustamov, head of the Department of Education, Foreign and Public Relations.
The guests were given detailed information about the genocide that took place in Khojaly in 1991.
During the meeting, the questions they were interested in regarding the organization and management of science were answered. The topic of the meeting was the discussion of areas that are important for both parties and that can be mutually supportive in the future.



The delegation led by academician of Russian Academy of Sciences Grigory Trubnikov, director of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation met Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the JINR academician Arif Hashimov. The delegation has visited Alley of Honor and commemorated National Leader Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers of his grave. They visited the graves of prominent ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, and Aziz Aliyev. The representatives of JINR also placed flowers of the grave of the world-famous artist Muslim Magomayev.
The guests visited the Alley of Martyrs. The delegation led by academician G. Trubnikov has visited to the National Oncology Center and the Nuclear Medicine Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan with academician Arif Hashimov. Academician Jamil Aliyev, General director of the National Oncology Center, Mr. Fuad Novruzov, Director of Azerbaijan Nuclear Medicine Center are participated in this meeting. The main aim of the meeting was to have information related to the activities of the Nuclear Medicine Center, inquire a possibility of cooperation based on mutual interests.
JINR director academician G. Trubnikov has shared information related to the direction of activities of the Institute, scientific research areas establishments in international relations. He has emphasized that number of scientists from Azerbaijan joined to the JINR has significantly increased within past 10 years. Currently 26 Azerbaijani scientists are engaged research activities at the JINR.
The delegation was provided information about Nuclear Medicine Center. It has been pointed out that the Center has established in 2016. It was noted that for the time being experienced personnel of the Center are able to discover early detection of cancer which takes a vital place in the success of the treatment. The personnel of the Center have graduated and trained in the famous of the foreign centers. Perspectives of the future cooperation between organizations were discussed during the meeting. At the end of the meeting the delegation has acquainted with equipment capability of the Center of Nuclear Medicine with detailed description of the functions of facilities.
The delegation of the JINR has visited to the Institute of Physics. Director general of the Institute, Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the JINR academician Arif Hashimov has met delegation. Academician Adil Garibov, Prof. Dr. Huseyn Ibrahimov, executive director of the Institute of Physics, Afat Karimova, scientific secretary and Rustam B. Rustamov, head of department of scientific innovations and foreign relations of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Ulduz Hashimova, Director of the Institute of Physiology Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan have attended to the meeting. Academician Arif Hashimov has mentioned exitance a close cooperation relationship between JINR and Institute of Physics.
Academician G. Trubnikov has mentioned that setting up close cooperative relations between organizations needed to be strengthened in the future. There is one of the main targets is to active engagement of Azerbaijani scientists working at JINR in the process of joint projects within the framework of the JINR. The delegation of the JINR within the three-days mission has met authorities of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and University of Khazar. It has been discussed of aspects of research works, cooperation opportunities which open basic principles of the future developments.



June 25, 2024. The webinar has organized at the institute of physics on “A new space. World observations and climate change”. The ceremony has opened by Rustam B. Rustamov, Head of the department of Scientific innovations and foreign relations of the Institute of physics. He has pointed out importance of the topic of the presentation. Rustam B. Rustamov has introduced speaker Prof. Dr. Fuat Ince. He has mentioned that Prof. Dr. Fuat Ince has graduated at Kadikoy Anatolian High school and Robert CollegeHigh school (currently Bogazici University) majoring in electrical/electronic engineering. Prof. Dr. Fuat Ince has received scientific degrees at Illinois University, USA within the Fulbright program. He has provided pedagogical activities and conducted scientific research works in the variety scientific centers in Turkey, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, USA and Europe.
Prof. Dr. Fuat Ince has reflected within the framework of the presentation satellite systems, theirs large scale applications including study of the Earth such as natural resources, ecology and environment including climate change.
Prof. Dr. Sefer Kurnaz from Altinbash University, Turkey is also participated and shared his knowledge and experience around touched out topic. It has been exchanged visions general aspects of scientific establishments between Turkey and Azerbaijani scientists.



16 November 2023. The first session of the webinar of the MA Group AG held on November 15th 2023. It is expected to conduct with a weekly interval base four sessions embracing areas: - “Springer Nature. Review of the producs”, " SpringerLink Platform. How to use it effectively"," How to choose the right SN journal to publish an article? " Predatory Journals. Review and Analysis". The webinar coordinates by the Institutunun of Physics of Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic, where have engaged leading scientific and educational institutions of the country.
The first familiarization session has dedicated for overview of the products of the Springer Nature. The speaker of the webinar was Daria Savaleva. In the webinar has presented the research portfolio as well as the content of the journals of the Springer database. It has been pointed out that it is intended to give free trial access to the MA Group AG-Springer Nature resources. In the end of the webinar has provided the list of free charge journals.



An Employee of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan had a scientific mission at the Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the training period of one month, Vakhobzhon Kuvondikov, the head of the laboratory of Ion-plazma and laser technologies named after U. Arifov has passed training in the laboratory of the Infrared photoelectronics and plasma phenomena of the Institute of Physics. Within the framework of the training by led of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Shikhamir Eminov, the technology of obtaining thin nanostructured layers of ITO and TiO2 for use in solar panels has been investigated, the operation principles of devices, as well as methods for producing nanostructured thin layers of metal oxides were studied.



Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the international company "VIBROCOMP" of Hungary was signed the memorandum of understanding. First, the general director of the Institute, academician Arif Hashimov gave information about the history of Institution, its activities, the research conducted here, international relations, etc.
Later, CEO Pal Zoltan Bite spoke about the company. He said that "VIBROCOMP" has been taking various measures to protect the environment for 40 years, the company is conducting design work, building “smart” towns, and installing systems according to modern standards. He noted that the company is active not only in Hungary, but also in Romania, France and other European countries, as well as in Central Asia and the United Arab Emirates. He says, that they intend to participate in urban development works in several cities of Azerbaijan, in Karabakh too.
As a result, the memorandum of understanding was signed between the Physics Institute and the international company "VIBROCOMP" from Hungary. Memorandum of Understanding in recognition of the mutual benefits accruing to their commercial and academic communities from the establishment of strong international links. In the document are envisaged setting up of an environment for visiting scholar programs, academic programs collaborations for commercialization of basic and applied science, Establishment common Research and Development Centers and Centers of Excellency etc. activities.



Rustam B. Rustamov, Head of department of Education, international and public relations of the Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic has participate in the International Symposium in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkish Academy of Sciences and The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia is organized an International Symposium on the topic of “The Role of Scientific Academies towards the future of Basic Sciences”. The First Vice-President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences academician Arif Hashimov and Head of department of Education, international and public relations of the Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic Rustam B. Rustamov have invited for participation in the Symposium. Rustam B. Rustamov has made a speech in the Symposium on the topic titled “A Platform for Basic Science and Education Sustainability: Overview of Achievements and Challenges”.



Professor Gesine Grande, President of Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU), and Professor Sylvio Simon, Dean of Mechanical Engineering Education, were guests at the Institute of Physics. The guests met with the director general of the Institute, academician Arif Hashimov. A. Hashimov informed the guests about t research conducted in the laboratories and the activity of scientific results of the Institute of Physics. He noted that professional personnel are being trained at the institute and talked about master's education. He said that the Institute of Physics has a history of cooperation with a number of institutions in Germany. It is purposeful to establish joint works in these directions on a larger scale in the future.

Then BTU president prof. G. Gesine emphasized that the main purpose of the visit is to expand cooperation with various scientific and educational centers of Azerbaijan. Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University Vilayat Valiyev, Executive Director of Physics Institute Professor Huseyn Ibrahimov, Head of Scientific Organization Department Rustam Rustamov, and others also participated in the meeting. Later, the guests got acquainted with the laboratories of the Institute and met with the heads of the and employees of laboratories, which talked about their conducted research and equipment.

26 Sentyabr 2021


Bu gün Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Fizika İnstitutunda Vətən müharibəsi şəhidlərinin xatirəsinə həsr olunmuş tədbir keçirilib. Tədbir çərçivəsində Fizika İnstitutunda Anım Gününə həsr edilmiş stend nümayiş olunub. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Dövlət himni ilə başlayan yığıncağı AMEA-nın akademik-katibi, institutun baş direktoru, akademik Arif Həşimov açaraq Azərbaycan xalqının bu haqq savaşında cənab Prezident İlham Əliyevin ətrafında sıx birləşdiyini söyləyib. Qeyd edib ki, məhz Prezident İlham Əliyevin Ali Baş Komandanlığı, müəyyənləşdirdiyi strategiya və taktika ilə ordumuz tərəfindən torpaqlarımız düşmən işğalından azad olundu.

Akademik Arif Həşimov şəhidlərimizin qanı bahasına qazandığımız qələbəni gələcək nəsillərə ötürməyin hər kəsin vətəndaşlıq borcu olduğunu vurğulayıb. Baş direktor, həmçinin Fizika İnstitutunda şəhidlərin xatirəsini əbədiləşdirmək üçün görülən işlərdən də bəhs edib. Diqqətə çatdırıb ki, bu istiqamətdə atılan addımlardan biri müəssisənin əməkdaşı, fizika üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Suma Hüseynovanın şəhidlərimizə həsr olunmuş “Fatehlər” kitabının nəşr edilməsidir. Daha sonra A.Həşimov kitabın müəllifi Suma Hüseynovaya söz verib. Suma Hüseynova çıxışında 27 sentyabr tarixinin həm kədərli, həm də qürurlu gün olduğunu, Azərbaycanın bütün bölgələrindən olan vətənpərvər oğullarının yeganə amalının ölkəmizin ərazi bütövlüyünün bərpası olduğunu və bu yolda canlarından keçdiklərini söyləyib. Tədbir Suma Hüseynovanın hazırladığı təqdimatla davam edib. İnstitutun Həmkarlar İttifaqının sədri Sitarə Bağırova isə qeyd edib ki, bu gün Qarabağın azad olunmasına görə şəhidlərimizə, qəhrəman oğullarımıza borcluyuq. Daha sonra Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti, Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan cənab İlham Əliyevin “Azərbaycan Respublikasında Anım Gününün təsis edilməsi haqqında” 2 dekabr 2020-ci il tarixli Sərəncamına əsasən, Azərbaycan Respublikasının ərazi bütövlüyü yolunda canını qurban vermiş Vətən müharibəsi şəhidlərinin əziz xatirəsi saat 12:00-da bir dəqiqəlik sükutla yad olunub. Sonra Fizika İnstitutunun rəhbərliyi və kollektivi İkinci Şəhidlər xiyabanını ziyarət edərək torpaqlarımızın azadlığı uğrunda şəhid olan qəhrəmanlarımızın əziz xatirəsini dərin ehtiramla yad ediblər.

© Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Xəbərlərdən istifadə edərkən saytına istinad zəruridir.



The President of the Academy of Scientific Rexsearch and Technology of Egypt Prof. Dr. Gina-El-Feky and Vice-President Prof. Tamer Hamov have visited Institute of Physics. Director General of the Institute academician Arif Hashimov has met horoable guests. Executive Director Prof. Dr. Huseyn Ibrahimov, Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Phylosophy in Physics Afat Karimova, Head of the department of Scientefic innovations and foreign relations Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rustam B. Rustamov.
The parties have informed breafly about activities of organizations. It has been exchanged ideas on mutual research works, implementation of projects and many other subjects within the meeting framework. Prof. Dr. Gina-El-Feky has expressed her highly desire in establishment of effective co operation relationships between Prof. Gina El-Feky emphasized that she is interested in establishing effective cooperation between Academy of Scientific Rexsearch and Technology of Egypt and Institute of physics Ministry of Scence and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Academician Arif Hashimov also pointed out that he is also very interested in setting up mutual cooperation.



June 25, 2024. Vice-rector for scientific affairs of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio electronics of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Viktor Stempitsky and Head of the Young Researchers' Laboratory, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics Maria Baranava have visited the Institute of Physics.
The aim of the visit was to achieve within the framework of the joint project "Development of a new materials with enormous magnetic resistance based on composites with CoGaxFe2-x04 and (CulnSe2)1-x(MeSe)x (Me=Mn, Fe, Co) magnetic nano-particles for memory elements and read heads" to discuss the project outcomes and future prospects of cooperation. Academician Arif Hashimov, director general of the Institute has welcomed of the guests. The parties have provided information about the international relations of the institutions, the latest results achieved within the conducted research activities. Based on the discussion it has been agreed to sign of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute of Physics and the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio electronics.
The guests have got acquainted with the stands reflecting the history of the Institute of Physics.
A seminar was organized at the Azerbaijan Technical University where scientists from the Institute of Physics have participated. Mr. Viktor Stempitsky has presented a report on "Perspective directions of design and production of the basic elements of microelectronics and sensors".



27 December 2023. It has been taken place a seminar at the Physics Institute of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Dr. Rustam B. Rustamov the head of the department of Education, Foreign and Public relations of the Institute has taken a role of speaker of the seminar. The topic of seminar was "Individual- yesterday, today and tomorrow. The choice of the success".
The speech of Rustam B. Rustamov has dedicated to the attempts of creation a general formula of system management, existing theories of relativity and chaos, concepts of sustainable development and diversification. The contributions of these concepts into personal development were also subject of discussion. At the end has held discussions and questions embraced of the seminar topic.



A training session of the "ELSEVER" representative Ms Rabig Khojamkul was held in the Institute Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The aim was to familiarize employees with the rules how to use of the "Scopus" and "Science Direct," platform.
The opening ceremony has done by Rustam B. Rustamov, the head of the department of education, external and public relations of the Institute. He noted that Azerbaijani Government has provided centralized access to the Scopus for all research organizations and higher educational universities of Azerbaijan.
Ms. R. Khozhamkul has provided detailed information related to the topics of: "Self-assessment, targeted definition and long-term planning," "Data-based decision-making," "Capacity building for the development of research infrastructure," "Basic competencies for academic staff and researchers" and answered of many questions.



It has been taken place the seminar in the Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan titled “Intercept 1961. From Air Defense SA-1 (S-25) to the Birth of Soviet Missile Defense”. The speaker of the seminar was Dr. Mike Gruntman, Professor of Astronautics at the University of Southern California (USC) USA.
The welcome speech was done by the head of the department of education, international and public relations of the Institute Rustam Rustamov. He pointed out that Prof. Dr. M. Gruntman is the founder of the USC Astronautics Program. He served as the founding chairman of a unique in the United States pure space-engineering Department of Astronautical Engineering, 2004-2007. He has been directing the Master of Science program in astronautics, among the largest in the country, since its inception in the mid-1990s to the present time. Prof. Dr. Gruntman is actively involved in R&D programs, including NASA missions. His research interests include astronautics, space physics, satellite design, technology and applications, instrumentation and sensors, rocketry and propulsion, space education and history of rocketry, spacecraft, and missile defense.
Prof. Dr. M. Gruntman in his presentation has been embraced the first target of a long-range ballistic missile, as well as about US defense programs.
The seminar was finished with discussions of the overall aspects of the topics presented by Prof. Dr. M. Gruntman.



Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan has held seminar on “Open Science”. The speaker was Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Saida Mammadova.
Employees of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences are also participated in the seminar.
Head of the Department of Education, Foreign and Public Relations of the Institute Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Rustam Rustamov has made welcome speech. He mentioned that the relevance of the seminar’s topic, emphasizing the need to adhere to the requirements of the up to date scientific environment in order to achieve success in the field of science. He noted that intelligence would be the main criterion for societal development as benchmark in the future instead of currently existing tools. R. Rustamov has mentioned the nature of intellect in the management of scientific activity which embraces the topic of today seminar.
Saida Mammadova delivered her presentation on the importance of “Open Science”. She highlighted the ongoing work in the fields of international relations, which have been recognized by UNESCO. She emphasized that the concept of "Open Science" reflects the limitless ideology of science.
S. Mammadova pointed out on the main principles of open science, including open research data, open scientific publications, open access, open peer review, and open collaboration. She has provided detailed information to the participants about the current achievements and challenges in this field. Finally, a discussion around the topic took place, and questions were answered.



It has been provided free trial temporary access to the scientific platform as a result of negotiations between Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic and MA Group AG. Within the framework of temporary access employees of the Institute will be able to register on the platform for further use. The validity of the period starts from April 17.
MA Group AG offers a premium service through e-books and journals subscriptions as well as provides opportunity to use a wide of scientific periodic sets.
MA Group AG was established in 2015 to promote highly valuable scientific content of the world’s leading publishing houses connecting them with higher education, academic, and corporate R&D institutions to ensure that scientists have all the necessary tools to advance their research.

11 May 2022


May ayın 6-da Fizika İnstitutunda optoelektronika sahəsində tanınmış görkəmli alim, fizika elmləri doktoru, professor Qriqori Lvoviç Belenkiy 80 illik yubileyi münasibətilə tədbir keçirilib. Tədbiri giriş sözü ilə açan AMEA-nın prezidenti v.i.e., İnstitutun baş direktoru akademik Arif Həşimov ilk olaraq İnstitutun kollektivi və Akademiyanın rəhbərliyi adından yubilyarı təbrik edərək qeyd edib ki, professor Griqoriy Belenkiy bakılıdır və bununla çox fəxr edir. O, Bakı Dövlət Universitetini bitirib, uzun illər Azərbaycan Elmlər Akademiyasının Fizika İnstitutunda işləyib, bir alim kimi formalaşıb. A. Həşimov həmçinin şuranın iclasında AMEA Rəyasət Heyəti adından Qriqoriy Belenkiyə AMEA-nın Fəxri Fərmanını təqdim edib, ona iş və elm sahəsində uğurlar arzulayıb. Daha sonra akademik Həşimov prof. Belenkiyin gördüyü işlərdən və uğurlarından söz açıb. O, bildirib ki, Griqoriy Belenkiy Fizika İnstitutunda işlədiyi illərdə ardıcıl olaraq elmi vəzifələrin bütün mərhələlərini keçib, uzun illər laboratoriya müdiri vəzifəsində çalışıb. Prof. G.L. Belenkiy keçmiş SSRİ-nin aparıcı fizika məktəbləri ilə sıx elmi əlaqələrin qurulmasına hər cür töhfələr verib. Xüsusilə, akademik L.V. Keldış kimi dünya şöhrətli tanınmış fizikləri qeyd etmək olar.G. Belenkiy Fizika elminin inkişafı sahəsində 1988-ci ildə Azərbaycan Dövlət Mükafatına layiq görülüb.
Prezident İlham Əliyevin Sərəncamı ilə Azərbaycan elminin inkişafında və elmi əlaqələrin genişləndirilməsindəki xidmətlərinə görə, Qriqoriy Belenki 2012-ci ildə “Dostluq” ordeni ilə təltif edilib.
İclasda fizika elmləri doktoru Nadir Abdullayev çıxış edərək bildirib ki, Professor, fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri doktoru Qriqori Lvoviç Belenkiy 1942-ci il martın 29-da Bakıda ziyalı ailəsində anadan olub.
Griqoriy Belenkiy Azərbaycan Dövlət Universitetini bitirdikdən sonra 1964-cü ildə Azərbaycan Elmlər Akademiyasının Fizika İnstitutuna göndərilmiş və burada Azərbaycan fiziki məktəbinin banilərindən biri, akademik Həsən Abdullayevin rəhbərliyi ilə elmi fəaliyyətə başlayıb. 1965-ci ildə təhsilini davam etdirmək üçün Griqoriy Belenki Ukrayna Elmlər Akademiyasının (Kiyev) Yarımkeçiricilər İnstitutunun aspiranturasına daxil olub, 1969-cu ildə onu uğurla başa vurub. Fizika fəlsəfə doktoru dərəcəsini alıb.
O, ardıcıl olaraq elmi vəzifələrin bütün mərhələlərini keçib, uzun illər Azərbaycan Elmlər Akademiyasının Fizika İnstitutunun laboratoriya müdiri vəzifəsində çalışıb.
1979-cu ildə doktorluq dissertasiyasını parlaq şəkildə müdafiə edib.
1989-cu ildən G.L.Belenki ABŞ-da yaşayır.
ABŞ-a köçdükdən sonra Prof. G.L. Belenki Bakıdakı dostları və tələbələri ilə daim əlaqədə olub, hər zaman dostluq və elmi əməkdaşlığı davam etdirib. 2005 və 2007-ci illərdə Bakıda keçirilən böyük beynəlxalq elmi konfranslarda dəvət olunmuş məruzələrlə çıxış edib.
İclasda akademik Nazim Məmmədov, fizika elmləri doktoru Ayaz Bayramov, fizika elmləri doktoru Talət Mehdiyev, müxbir üzv Rauf Hüseynov öz xatirələri ilə çıxış ediblər.
Sonda Griqoriy Belenkiy haqqında film nümayiş olunub.

22 June 2022


On June 20, 2022, a well-known scientist, Honored Scientist, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan from 1983 to 1997, academician Eldar Yunis oglu Salayev died. Eldar Salaev is a prominent scientist in the field of semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and photoelectronics. His new fundamental results in layered crystals and broadband semiconductors led to the creation of new photodetectors, electron-optical converters, which have a very wide and specific field of application, operating in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions of the spectrum. Eldar Salaev is the author of about 450 scientific papers, 88 inventions and patents, 4 monographs, most of which are published in prestigious foreign journals. He successfully represented Azerbaijani science at numerous scientific events organized in our country and abroad. More than 40 Doctors of Philosophy and Sciences have been trained under his scientific guidance. The scientific and scientific-organizational activity of Academician Eldar Salaev was highly appreciated. He was awarded the titles of the Laureate of the State Prize of Azerbaijan and the Honored Scientist, Orders of Glory and the Red Banner of Labor. Academician Eldar Salaev is buried on the 2nd Alley of Honor. The farewell ceremony was attended by members of the Presidium of ANAS, heads of a number of scientific institutions and organizations of the Academy, representatives of the scientific community, as well as members of the family of the late scientist.
Rest in peace!