Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
The organizing committee of conferences announces:
Dates of International Conferences dedicated to: 100th anniversary of the birth of academician L.M. Imanov "Molecular spectroscopy" and the 90th
anniversary academician M.Kh. Shakhtakhtinsky "Physics of Composite Materials", will be announced later.
All conference materials are published on the AJP Physics journal website under the index "AJP Physics C".
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Fizika İnstitutu Beynəlxalq Konfransda iştirak etməyə dəvət edir:
The Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan invites you to take part in the International Conference:
Conference on "Molecular Spectroscopy" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of academician L.M. Imanov will be held in
Shusha and Baku in September-October 2022 year
Conference on "Physics of compositional materials" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician M.H. Shahtakhtinski will be held in
Nakhchivan and Baku in October-November 2022 year
Shusha, Azerbaijan
Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan
Click for read program
Academician L.M. Imanov
Imanov Latif Mukhtar oglu was born on September 15, 1922 in the city of Shusha. In 1944 graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Azerbaijan State University. In 1954 became a
doctor of philosophy in physics, in 1964 - a doctor of science in physics, in 1966 he received the degree of professor, in 1968 was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, and in 1976 - a full member.
Having started his career at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, he worked as a researcher, senior researcher (1944-1954), head of the laboratory (1954-1980). L. Imanov
is a well-known scientist in the field of radio spectroscopy. The main directions in the field of radio spectroscopy of molecular gas, dielectric relaxation, electron paramagnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy received important scientific results of his scientific activity. Under the leadership of L. Imanov, complex devices for gas radiospectrometers created, various molecules and their isotopic forms of microwave
spectra were studied, and isomers of the transformation of alcohol and mercaptan molecules were identified. The scientist achieved success in the field of research of measuring devices with the help of organic liquids
and solids, studied the spectrum of electron-paramagnetic resonance of glasses and its electrical properties.
He is the author of more than 150 articles published in foreign and national journals (10 of which are copyright certificates). Under his leadership, 10 Doctors of Philosophy and 1 Doctor of Science defended.
L. Imanov was a member of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences on spectroscopy of the former Soviet Union and chairman of the Republican Scientific Council on radio spectroscopy.
He awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science" (1979).
Academician Latif Imanov died in Baku in 1980.
Academician M.H. Shahtakhtinski
Shahtakhtinski Mahammadamin was born on July 10, 1932 in Baku. In 1956 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute.
In 1960, M. Shahtakhtinski received a Ph.D degree in Physics, and in 1968 - a Doctor of physical sciences. In 1971 he received the title of Professor.
In 1981 he was elected as a corresponding member and in 1989 – as an active member of the ANAS.
The activity of academician M. Shahtakhtinski was associated with the Institute of Physics of ANAS. In 1961, the scientist worked as a junior
researcher, in 1968 - as a senior researcher, in 1968 - as a head of a laboratory, and in 1987 - as a head of a department. He was a member of
the Bureau of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, President of the Azerbaijan Society of Physicists, Vice
President of the Eurasian Physical Society. Scientific studies of M. Shahtakhtinski covered various fields of physics.
The scientist investigated the mechanical, thermal, electrical, electrical and thermoluminescent properties of such important composites as
metallic systems, dielectrics and semiconductors, as well as boundary-polarization processes, including conducting a comprehensive study of
electron-ion and relaxation processes. M. Shahtakhtinski aid the foundation for a new scientific direction - the physics of composite structures.
The mechanisms for changing the effective electret load and electret potential difference in polymer piezoelectric composites depending on the
temperature and voltage of the electric field are given.
M. Shahtakhtinski is the author of more than 250 scientific articles, 60 inventions. Under his leadership 2 Doctor and 12 PhDs were protected.
M. Shahtakhtinski was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science". Awarded the Order "Shohrat" of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Academician Shahtakhtinski Mahammadamin died in 2011 in Baku.