The World Wide Web provides new opportunities not only for the search for scientific information, but also for the activities of publishers. One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of this search is the DOI identifier, which has been widely used since the end of the past and the beginning of this century.DOI score
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a digital identifier for a document. Due to the fact that the Internet is a place for storing and storing information, part of which is not stored for a long time, while the other, on the contrary, must be stored for a long time with archives stored, an important point is reliable methods of searching for the information that is currently needed. DOI serves as a hyperlink, which always helps to find the document you need, even if the site where it was previously was subsequently changed.Later DOI began to be used for citing documents, counting the number of citations, creating cross-references, anti-plagiarism, participating in evaluating the effectiveness of scientific institutions and publishing houses. DOI corporations are developing standards, and the registration of unique DOIs pointing to a specific document is done by special registration agencies. They are divided according to subject activity. These can be various types of documents: audio, video, Internet resources, etc., various languages and publishers. For example, scientific articles, monographs, conference proceedings, dissertations are registered by CrossRef. Almost all the leading scientific journals in the world collaborate with this company.
DOI value for article author
Thanks to this index, the search for scientific information on the Internet has become easier and more effective. Each publication, the magazine publishes on its web pages on the Internet, both current and archive issues and materials. Thus, in the public domain, you can see the resume, which includes the title of the article, last name, first name, middle name of the author, abstract and keywords, place of work, as well as the output of published articles (name of journal, year of publication, volume, number, page). This necessary information allows you to instantly find the right article with the normal structure of the publication’s site. In another way, the search looks for keywords. It displays a lot of unnecessary information and articles that are far from scientific periodicals. In order to avoid this, scientists use thematic databases.DOI Assignment
The DOI structure consists of three components: directory, prefix, and suffix. The directory, or DOI directory, is defined by DOI Corporation. The prefix is assigned to publishers. And even if the publisher changed the form of ownership, the DOI will remain unchanged, because the prefix always indicates who published the article, and not the owner of the magazine. The suffix is assigned to the publication by the publisher and is unique within the prefix.There are no rules that would rigidly determine the location of the DOI index on the article page. Therefore, they indicate it in different places: either in the upper corner, then in the lower, then in front of the resume, then after, and sometimes even in general, in footnotes. For readers, the DOI index serves as an effective means of finding the right articles in periodicals. This is a more reliable search method than a bibliographic link, because the code is recognized without error. Thanks to the DOI index, the number of citations of published works is increasing.
Therefore, it is desirable to place articles in journals with this code, indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus, Web of Science and other well-known databases, which provide citation indexing and reference accounting. DOI helps significantly reduce link loss. All this together makes it possible to understand why the world community no longer recognizes electronic articles that do not have a DOI index. Without it, the publication does not have sufficient stability on the Internet, is subject to change, up to extinction. And this, in turn, negatively affects the citation index.
How to get DOI for an article and how to find out DOI of an article?
The DOI number can be assigned to all published materials, both as a whole and in separate parts and chapters, which can sometimes be useful in collective authorship. Indeed, the assignment of DOI means inclusion in the abstract databases Scopus and Web of Science. It is important to understand that this index does not reflect the quality of the article and the level of publication, it is just a search criterion. A magazine can publish articles with or without a DOI index. Therefore, this issue must be resolved with the journal before the article is submitted for publication, since not all publishers offer this service.In order to find an article by the DOI number, you must first type, as CrossRef advises, a doi directory that will display on the landing page. The article’s web page is indicated here with the title, author, place of work, imprint, resume and links to the full text of the publication. The conditions for opening this link are determined by the publisher. Obtaining DOI per article is carried out for a usually small fee, which is set by the publisher and is approximately one dollar per article for current issues and 15 cents per article for archive numbers (over three years old).Information about the DOI of the published article is on the publication page on the journal’s website, as well as in the publication itself. You can also use crossref.org to search for the DOI of your article. The DOI index is actively included in our publishing practice, allowing scientists to actively participate in the exchange of information with leading journals and specialists around the world. In other words, the authors have a great opportunity to take the publication of a scientific article to a higher level.
If an article (book) with a DOI identifier is referenced by a journal included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, this work automatically falls into the Web of Science and Scopus and receives its own citation index in these electronic databases.
When assigning a DOI identifier to a scientific work, its name, annotation, and keywords used in it are sent to the world-wide public database of scientific data http://www.doi.org/, as a result of which the work becomes searchable by scientists from all over the world for keywords. This fact significantly increases the likelihood of citing work in authoritative international sources. The increase in the number of citations of articles by the author automatically increases his citation index and the Hirsch personal index - the most important sciencetometric indicators at the present stage of the development of science.
Which objects are assigned DOI?
Book, book series, single chapter or section of a bookJournal, separate issue or volume of a journal, separate article
Conference proceedings, separate report
Scientific report
Preprint (manuscript)
Database, data set
And other types of scientific publications, as well as parts of the publication, for example, drawings, tables, graphs
DOI Code Structure
doi: 10.1016 / j.compscitech.2012.05.00.00510.1016 - prefix, defines the publisher (assigned by the Registration Agency)
j.compscitech.2012.05.005 - suffix, defines the journal, year of publication, issue number and serial number of the article in the issue (assigned by the publisher, but technically controlled by the DOI recognition system)
DOI may include ISSN, and then it looks like this:
DOI: 10.1111 / j.1365-2575.2012.00413.xISSN - International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) - a unique number that allows you to identify any periodical publication, regardless of where it is published, in which language, in which medium .
DOI may include ISBN, and then it looks like this:
DOI: 10.1016 / B978-044482383-0 / 50004-2ISBN - International Standard Book Number (abbreviated as ISBN) - a unique number of a book edition needed to distribute the book in retail chains and automate work with the publication.