2025 | 03 | 05 | Islamzade Elnara Maharram gizi "Preparation and electric properties of complex-doped crystals of Ge-Si <Ga, Sb, Ni> solid solutions" | D | A |
2025 | 01 | 15 | Nabiyeva Aynur Khalil gizi "Influence of high temperature on electrophysical properties of La1-xBaxMnO3 compounds" | D | A |
2024 | 12 | 04 | Yasinova Sara Nadir gizi "Electron and phonon processes in thin films of PbS(Se) obtained by chemical bath deposition" | D | A |
2024 | 10 | 09 | Rzayeva Sitara Murtuz gizi "Detection of new polytypes in (Fe,Ga,In)2S3 and Cd(Mn,Mg)-In-Ga-S systems by improved electron-diffraction methods" | D | A |
2024 | 10 | 16 | Mamedov Rovshan Mamed oglu "Features of non-equilibrium electronic processes in thin films and nanostructures of compounds based on AI, BIII and CVI " | D | A |
2024 | 02 | 21 | Alizade Elvin Huseynaga oglu "Low-frequency plasma excitations and interband optical transitions in 3D topological insulators with a tetradymite structure" | D | A |
2024 | 02 | 14 | Ismayilov Alekper Aligeydar oglu "Electrophysical properties of A3B6 layered crystals and their ternary analogs radiated by γ-quantums and elektrons" | D | A |
2024 | 01 | 31 | Namazova Natella Mahaddin gizi "Characteristics of structure phase transformations in solid solutions of nitrate compounds of alkali metals" | D | A |
2024 | 01 | 24 | Ismayilov Namig Jamil oglu "High effisiensy potoelements for new generation IR detectors based on CdxHg1-xTe single cristals" | D | A |
2023 | 11 | 22 | Mammadova Gulshan Nuraddin gizi "Structures, electronic and optical properties of TlIn1-xGaxC2 (C- Se, Te) crystals" | D | A |
2023 | 11 | 22 | Sabzaliyeva Chinara Elkhan gizi "Electric and photoelectric properties of solar cells based on CuInSe2-GaInSe2 thin film heterojunctions" | D | A |
2023 | 10 | 25 | Mammadova Humay Ibrahim gizi "Local structure and phonon spectrum of As-Ge-Se and As-Ge-Te glassy semiconductor systems" | D | A |
2023 | 10 | 20 | Hashimov Rovshan Fikrat oglu "Crystal and magnetic structure of solid solition LaxBa1-xMnO3 at low temperatures" | D | A |
2023 | 10 | 20 | Verdiyeva Nurana Alishir gizi "The effect of lanthanoide elements (Dy, Eu) and ionizing rays on the electrophysical properties of TlInSe2 crystals" | D | A |
2022 | 10 | 28 | Ibrahimova Sevinj Ismayil gizi "Structural properties and electrophysical properties of CuGaIn2Se5, Ga0.5In1.5Se3, Cu3SeTe and CuInZnSe3 semıconductors" | D | A |
2022 | 10 | 28 | Abdurahmanova Vafa Alafsar gizi "Kinetical events in complex conductor crystals of system [Ce(Sm)]xSn1-x Se" | D | A |
2022 | 10 | 12 | Hasanova Mehriban Shirin gizi "Physico-chemical foundations of the technology for producing new materials and structures based on indium tellurides, including electronic and thermal phenomena" | D | A |
2022 | 09 | 28 | Bakirova Arzu Mehman gizi "The effect of shielding of the pendant area of the nucleus on the processes of polarized braking radiation and photogeneration of the pair in the crystals" | D | A |
2022 | 09 | 16 | Jabbarov Aydin Ismayil oglu "Hopping mechanisms of phase transitions and charge transport of ABX2 (where A=Cu, Tl; B=Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, Ga, In; X=S, Se,Te) type low-dimensional semiconductors" | D | A |
2022 | 06 | 22 | Aslanova Sariyya Mammadali gizi "Analytical solutions of Klein-Fock-Gordon, Dirac and Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equations in conventional and supersymmetric quantum mechanics for some spherically symmetric potentials" | D | A |
2022 | 04 | 13 | Azimova Sevinj Ramazan gizi "Structure and radiation defects in Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3 compounds, their effect on thermodynamic properties" | D | A |
2022 | 04 | 06 | Alekberov Rahim Ibad oglu "Structure and electronic properties of non-crystal systems based on arsen chalcogenides" | D | A |
2022 | 03 | 30 | Hasanov Rovshan Farhad oglu "Preparation of Fe filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes by CVD method and development of multifunctional nanocomposites technology" | D | A |
2022 | 03 | 29 | Aliyev Yusif Imrayil oglu "Phase formation and structural phase transformations in chalcogenide systems based on Ag, Cu" | D | A |
2022 | 03 | 02 | Babayeva Aygun Eyvaz gizi "Kinetic properties of AgSbTe2 crystals with Ag2Te additional phase" | D | A |
2022 | 02 | 02 | Ahmedova Fidan Shirvan gizi "Electrical and optical properties of thin-layer and nano-sized InSe and GaSe semiconductors" | D | A |
2022 | 01 | 26 | Imanova Sevinj Ramazan gizi "Magnetic and electrical properties of composites based on bentonite and polyethylene modified with magnetic particles" | D | A |
2021 | 12 | 29 | Nurubeyli Tarana Kamil gizi "Physical principles of the limitation relative sensitivity coefficient of elements and matrix effects in the analysis of substances by the mass spectrometry method" | D | A |
2021 | 12 | 22 | Orujov Teymur Yashar oglu "Investigation of the optical parameters of white leds obtained by the "CHIP ON BOARD" technology" | D | A |
2021 | 11 | 03 | Eminov Shihamir Osmat oglu "Epitaksial structures on basis of InSb and HgCdTe for infrared photodetectors" | D | A |
2021 | 10 | 27 | Hasanova Khayala Ajdar qizi "Galvanomagnetic properties of intrinsic and strongly alloyed monocrystalline solid solutions Bi1-xSbx (0≤x≤0,25)" | D | A |
2021 | 10 | 20 | Nuriev Ruslan Aqarza oglu "Chaos synchronization in systems with feedbacks" | D | A |
2021 | 10 | 13 | Huseynova Kamala Musallim qizi "Obtaining crystals TlA1-xMxS2 (Se2) (A-In, Ga; M-Dy, Er, Yb; x=0÷0.3) their electrical and optical properties" | D | A |
2021 | 10 | 06 | Ibragimov Behbud Ibragim oglu "Analysis of the specifications of the optical and thermodynamic properties of elektrons in semiconductor quantum-dimensional systems" | D | A |
2021 | 09 | 29 | Jafarova Samira Gachay gizi "Electrical, photoelectrical and optical properties of the (TlGaS2)1-x(TlInSe2)x (0,1≤x≤0,5) single crystals" | D | A |
2021 | 09 | 29 | Islamzade Elnara Maharram gizi "Preparation and electric properties of complex-doped crystals of Ge-Si <Ga, Sb, Ni> solid solutions" | D | A |
2021 | 09 | 24 | Dadashov Zamir Atamoglan oglu "The role of relaxation and thermal in the formation of piezo-, pyroelectric effects in polymer-ferropiezoceramic composites" | D | A |
2021 | 09 | 24 | Saddinova Aynur Arif gizi "Thermoelectric properties of (AgSbSe2)x(PbTe)1-x solid solutions" | D | A |
2021 | 06 | 23 | Aliyeva Yegana Nagi gizi "Microstructure and optical properties of thin films of optoelectronic materials Si, ZnO, CdS, MoSe2, InAs1-xSbx" | D | A |
2021 | 06 | 23 | Akbarov Elchin Mammadhuseyn oglu "Formation of small structures on the surface in the case of field emission" | D | A |
2021 | 06 | 18 | Ibayeva Raida Zabit gizi "The role of Rashba spin orbital interaction to the light absorption and charge carrier scattering process in low dimensional systems" | D | A |
2021 | 06 | 18 | Guliyev Jafar Adil oglu "Elektrophysical and photoelektrical properties of semiconductor structures on basis of CdS grown (created) in nanoporous aluminum oxide" | D | A |
2021 | 05 | 05 | Asadov Elshan Gabil oglu "Luminescence properties of Ca(AlxGa1-x)2S4:Eu2+ solid solutions" | D | A |
2021 | 04 | 21 | Cabarov Sakin Hamid oglu "Structural and magnetic phase transitions in hexaferrites and perovskites under the influence of pressure and temperature" | D | A |
2021 | 04 | 14 | Mammadova Saida Oqtay gizi "Topological effects in quasi one-dimensional and two-dimensional superconductors with spin-orbit interaction" | D | A |
2021 | 04 | 07 | Aliyeva Nargiz Agami gizi "Сrystal structures and phase transformations in compound and solid soloutions of Cu4X2-mYm (X, Y = S, Se, Te, m = 0,0; 0,25; 0,50; 0,75)" |
D | A |
2021 | 03 | 31 | Huseynov Ramiz Eldar oglu "Structural and magnetic properties of hexagonal ferrites BaFe12-xAlxO19" | D | A |