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Fizika, 2009,vol.XV, 4
1. |
R.G. Aghayeva
The new method of the thermomagnetic current calculation. quantum wire.
03 |
2. |
H.A. Hasanov
Tensoresistive effect in porous silicon films with different morphology.
07 |
3. |
M.A. Mukhtarov
Exact solution of non-abelian conformal affine toda model.
11 |
4. |
F. I. Ismailov
The influence of background aerosol on spectral transparency of urban air.
15 |
5. |
N.M. Orujov, T.M. Panakhov, A.O. Mehrabov, M.G. Safarov
Physical properties of solid solutions (Cd Te)1-x (Sb2Se3) (x=0.0; 0.5; 1.0-3.0 mol%).
19 |
6. |
I.À. Àliyev, Ê.À. Àskerova, S.D. Àbdullayeva, N.À. Àliyeva, À.À. Ìàgerramov
Thermodynamic properties of TlSnSe2 and Tl2SnSe3 compounds.
21 |
7. |
À.M. Abdullayev, E.M. Kerimova, A.K. Zamanova
Òhe heat capacity and phase transition in ÑîFe2Se4 crystals.
23 |
8. |
Ì. À. Ramazanov, À.R. Sadigova, S.À. Àbasov
Strength properties of the composites on the base of polyvinylidene fluoride and europium complexes.
25 |
9. |
V.I. Nasirov, U.G. Àsadov, À.F. Haziyeva, F.G. Ìagerramova
Kinetics of IV-->III polymorphous transformation in Rb0,95Cs0,05NO3 single crystals.
27 |
10. |
N.Ì. Àbdullayev
X-ray investigation of Bi2Te3-Bi2Så3 and Bi2Te3-Bi2Så3 films.
30 |
11. |
E.D. Kurbanov
The explosive processes on potential electrode at formation of nano-second impulse discharge in solid air.
32 |
12. |
E.A. Kerimov, B.A. Guluzade, Sh.A. Bayramova, R.R. Gasanova
Technology for producing structures PdSi - Si and photoelectrical properties
35 |
13. |
E.A. Kerimov, T.M. Abdullayeva, Sh.A. Bairamova, A.V. Mardakhayev, A.Sh. Khidirov
Analysis of the fields emitted by mobile communication systems in terms of electromagnetic security
38 |
14. |
S.À. Àliyev, I.Kh. Mamedov, R.I. Selim-zade
The scattering character and conduction mechanism of charge carriers in Bi1-x Sbx alloys
41 |
15. |
E.F. Gambarov, A.I. Bayramov
Effect of thermal annealing on structural properties of SrGa2S4:Ce thin films prepared by flash evaporation
47 |
16. |
B.B. Davudov, Ò.G. Nagiyev
Condensation of a high-speed plasma stream
50 |
17. |
O.R. Akhmedov
The study of heat conductivity properties of GdS1,48 and DyS1,48
52 |
18. |
R.S. Madatov, A.A. Sadygova
Prospects and forecasting of applications nanotechnology in solar elements
54 |
19. |
E M. Gojaev, M.T. Dadashov
Tensoresistive properties of TlIn1-xYbx(Ce)Se2 crystals
57 |
20. |
À.À. Atai, E.R. Yuzbashov
Redetermination of monochromatic absorption coefficients values of ammonia in visible range of the spectrum for atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn
61 |
21. |
R.G. Veliyev
Phase relations and phase magnetodielectrical properties in TlInS2-Tl(Cr, Mn, Co)S2 systems.
67 |
22. |
V.H. Hasanov, J.Y. Naziyev, Y.M. Naziyev
The speed of sound of binary mixtures of n-alkanes.
71 |
23. |
E.A. Akhundova
The general properties of nonlinear forms of linear partial differential equations
78 |
24. |
N.Z. Jalilov, G.M. Damirov
Photoelectric properties of amorphous solid solutions of Se-S system
80 |
25. |
I.Ì. Afandiyeva
Investigation of potential barrier height of Schottky diode Al-TiCu/n-Si.
85 |
26. |
U.G. Asadov, À.G. Babayev, U.I. Àliyev, F.G. Magerrramov, R.D. Àliyeva
Thermal extensions and polymorphous transitions in Cu2-xAxSe (x=0, 0.2, 0.4; A=Ag, Zn), CuAgSe, CuAgSe0.5(S,Te)0.5 crystals
89 |
27. |
À.Sh. Kakhramanov, F.Ê. Àleskerov, Ê.Sh. Êakhramanov
Fractal conceptions in physical and natural structures
98 |
28. |
R.J. Kasumova, A.A. Karimi
Intracavity quasi-phase-matched generation of optical frequencies
102 |
29. |
E.I. Veliev, T.M. Ahmedov
One method to solve electromagnetic waves diffraction problems on plane screens with fractional boundary conditions
106 |